July 16, 2012


REAL moms, simple postnatal fitness tips!

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

I get a little tired of seeing all of these celebrities have babies and 2 weeks later they are at an awards show looking like they were never pregnant! C’mon now… The first 2 weeks all I could think about was a)how come my 3rd child has decided to cluster feed when the other 2 didn’t, and lawd, b) I totally forgot about the whole sleep deprivation thing! I’d love to know what kind of postnatal fitness they’re doing!

It took 9 months to transform this body of mine into a healthy vessel to give birth to my son and yes, of course, I am eager to lose weight and get my glorious buttocks back, but the only thing I need to exercise is PATIENCE.

I may not have access to a celebrity trainer  to get me back to my pre-pregnancy shape (and lord knows what else the celebs use) but I do have myself and the desire to get healthy in addition to the great tips on nutrition and exercise from Mary Ann Blair of Higher Level Fitness.   Mary Ann and I were pregnant at the same time and we had our sons 11 days apart, check out our before and after pic!

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Last week I was blessed when asked to be the mommy fitness model for a live WebTV show on postnatal fitness with the amazing Marlo Boux of GirlTalk .  There are very useful tips provided, and I’ve included the video for your viewing pleasure.  Oh and don’t mind my lack of coordination on one of the exercises either, blame it on baby brain, hahaha! Enjoy!

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Do you have any great postnatal fitness advice to share? Success stories?

I’d love to hear them!

Til we meet again…


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