July 11, 2012


Why Blog? Why Now?

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

Why not!? I feel like I’ve been blogging all of my life – just verbally (and in person)! What would that be called anyways? Verbalog? This blog was a little idea back in October 2010 and after gaining some knowledge about the blogosphere and the madness that is life, I’m finally launching it!

I have a few reasons as to why I started blogging…here goes:

  • I love its interactive potential from the comments, criticisms, encouragement, and thought provoking issues to the celeb watching, product reviews and finding out new places to dine or shop! All while making new friends along the way.
  • I love that it’s exactly what I say and who I am in print and in person. WYSIWYG for real! The Natalie you meet in person is the Natalie you meet in this blog – without judgement or strict parameters – no acting, this is my persona, and this is me!
  • Blogging can greatly increase my world of networking and allows me to connect with folks I may not have spoken with otherwise.
  • I’m a word of mouth kind of girl – so whether it’s great restaurant review or some nasty new product I tried to put in my hair, or a contest that I’ve won, blogging is just another tool/vehicle (besides my big mouth) to help me get the word out. I love the connectivity with other folks who share similar experiences.
  • It’s not a chore, not a job, it’s fun, and I’ve found a way to accent my already crazy busy life with it (it helps to be on maternity leave)!

However, as a new blogger, the first post can be quite intimidating and so is the waiting….the waiting to see who will read it, who will like it, who will hate it, will anyone comment, too long, too short, enough ideas etc.?

Are you a blogger? If so, what was your very first post like? How did you feel when you wrote it and then published it? Have you thought about blogging and just haven’t taken that next step? What’s holding you back?

I am definitely looking forward to your feedback and comments now and in the future…time to get my next post ready! Phew! First one DONE – booya J

Take care all, catch you soon!


PegCityLovely is all about the convo - let your thoughts be known!

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  1. Here from the Sits Tweety Fiesta, and I agree 100% with this and look forward to growing along. BB2U

  2. themommist says:

    Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Awesome first post. I'm really impressed.

  3. kris says:

    woah!! good luck Nat!! 🙂 you're the One! hahaha!

  4. adnama81 says:

    Hey Cuz! Great first blog. I will be watching for the next ones!

  5. Nicole H. says:

    I've never blogged myself, but I plan on enjoying reading yours! 🙂 Good job Nat 🙂

  6. Marlo says:

    Nice job, Natalie! I wish I could remember my first blog post. Can't wait to hear the latest here. But I'll also enjoy hearing it from your 'big mouth' too 🙂

  7. Kiki says:

    Love this blog 🙂 way to go mommy ! <3

on the 'GRAM

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