January 3, 2013


Gift Card Paradise: CardSwap.ca Review and Giveaway

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!



Did you receive any gift cards this past holiday season that you know you won’t use? Wishing you could swap them for your favorite store instead?

Well, there isn’t “an app for that” (even though that may be coming in the future); instead, there’s an awesome online card swapping program called CardSwap.ca!

CardSwap.ca is an online marketplace where you can buy gift cards from a large variety of retailers or sell gift cards that you don’t want. They’ve been featured on Dragon’s Den and a variety of other media outlets. They also offer SwapPoints, which are the icing on the cake because you can earn points from either buying or selling your cards. SwapPoints are redeemable for more gift cards or straight cash!

I just happened to have a $25 gift card that has been burning a hole in my wallet for a little while, so of course I had to try it out for myself.


The website for CardSwap.ca is very user friendly, as you only have 4 menu options to choose from.

CardSwap menu

Pretty simple, no?! Ok, so I choose SELL and I’m brought to another simplified page that asks for Merchant Name (via drop down list), gift card balance and email address. Easy peasy! I enter in the details and now it’s time to get to the nitty gritty.

What do I want to do? Collect SwapPoints or receive cash? I’m shown an offer for about 85% of the value of my card. I choose the SwapPoints because I get a little more value and I have this thing with loyalty cards/rewards programs, I am truly a collector of points…I’m a points kinda girl (seriously, you should see my wallet, scary stuff).

To finish up the transaction, the next screen asks you to enter in the details from the back of the card so that it can be verified, and then you are presented with an option to print a prepaid shipping label for you to mail in the gift card you are selling. Prepaid AND free people! They thought of everything! I drop my envelope in the mail, wait about a week or so and voila, the SwapPoints are in my account!

As with any program, there are a few conditions that need to be satisfied:

Gift cards sold to CardSwap must:

  • Be an approved retailer as listed on the website
  • Have a balance of $25 or higher (gift cards valued at $25 are accepted)
  • Not have any fees, expiration dates, or other restrictions
  • Not be a rewards card or tied to a specific user
  • Not be damaged or unsellable (i.e. Unreadable UPC or Pin)
  • Not be a paper certificate
  • Be redeemable in Canada

Fair enough, right?!

Sooooo, I had eluded to a giveaway earlier this week, and I refuse to disappoint! One super lucky reader of PegCityLovely will win a $50 gift card of their own choosing from CardSwap.ca! WOOHOO! I apologize in advance to my American and International peeps, but this one is purely for the Canucks (Canadians for those not familiar with the lingo)! Enter below, and good luck! Contest ends January 17, 2013.

[embedit snippet=”cardswap-giveaway”]

Disclosure: PegCityLovely received a credit on CardSwap to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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  1. wendy says:

    Amazon.ca or Shoppers Drug Mart 🙂

  2. Shirley says:

    Shoppers Drug Mart

  3. tennille says:

    Starbucks or Amazon

  4. Tooth Fairy says:

    White Spot so I can take my Mom out for lunch!

  5. Jo Tee says:

    M&M or Walmart!

  6. maria says:

    Great Canadian Superstore

  7. angela mitchell says:

    I'd like a Chapters card.

  8. Anna says:

    Oooh,JCrew would be nice! There's a cardi I want but I can't justify paying full price for… Why so expensive? 🙁

  9. Kristi Renout says:

    Canadian Tire!

  10. corrine says:

    Pennington's if they have it or cineplex or chapters or tim hortons oh too many to decide LOL

  11. The Keg or Shoppers

  12. Serena says:

    Id pick Tim Hortons!

  13. Dawn-Addicted to Rec says:

    Sephora or the Keg 🙂

  14. martie says:

    hbc gift card would be lovely! thanks!

  15. andrea says:

    la senza. i need bras lol

  16. Lee Pearson says:

    We recently got a Sephora in our local mall so I would love to win a Sephora Gift Card from CardSwap.

  17. heather says:


  18. Jean says:

    Sephora! I can never seem to justify their stuff, but it's so nice. 🙁

  19. cin says:

    canadian tire

  20. Lauren Helen says:

    Chapters or Amazon would be my top picks!

  21. Erika E says:

    I'd like to win the Keg Steakhouse gift card.

  22. I would choose Walmart.

  23. Lisa Smith says:

    I would love the Tim Horton's or Canadian Tire ones

  24. Ang says:

    I would love a Keg gift card – date night!

  25. Christy Martin says:

    Starbucks or LCBO! Both are great to have on hand.

  26. Dayna Wilson says:

    I'd love to win a Sephora gift card…

  27. bub smith says:

    i would love a winners card! but really – any card is amazing!

  28. Kim Barrett says:

    Canadian Tire would be great.

  29. Shari Ironside says:

    costco would sure be handy!

  30. Amazon would be great!

  31. Michelle B says:

    I would love a Walmart gift card.

  32. Lisa Marie Anctil says:

    Tim Hortons please!!!

  33. Vickie Brown says:

    Wow! So many choices. I like Amazon, though.

  34. jenn huey says:

    I want the Amazon, its my go to shopping site

  35. Katherines Corner says:

    i didn't get any. But this is such a great idea xo

  36. Andria says:

    Shoppers drug mart!

  37. I would love a Walmart Giftcard!

  38. Valerie Theberge says:

    Canadian Tire for me please 🙂

  39. Carly Shields says:

    Ebooks for my new Kobo!

  40. J says:

    Amazon! I have a beast of a book I am saving up for.

  41. Brandie D says:

    Any of them – I love G/C's!! Ok, but Walmart or The Keg would be a bonus!! I see Bouclair Home is coming too – that would be great!

  42. jen s. says:

    i'd like to win walmart or hbc

  43. John Gregory says:


  44. Karla says:

    I would love a Shoppers Drug Mart!!

  45. Nena Sinclair says:

    My favorite restaurant, The Keg!

  46. SueSueper says:


  47. Dianne G says:

    My first choice would be a Costco gift card but they are all out of them, so my second choice of what is available would be Tim Hortons.

  48. CherylG says:

    I'd like to win a Canadian Tire gift card.

  49. Sunshine G says:

    Tim Hortons – never have enough of that!

  50. shannon b says:

    I would love to win. I would choose a ticketmaster giftcard.

  51. Sumit says:


    Thanks for contest.

  52. Samorjj says:

    Costco or TImmies.

  53. tony says:

    Best buy please!

  54. Tina L. says:

    Shoppers Drug Mart

  55. SUMMER PLEWES says:

    shoppers drug mart

  56. Jan says:


  57. Joann says:

    I could use a little shopping at Winners! 🙂

  58. Martina J says:


  59. Ei-Leen Ong says:


  60. Robyn B. says:

    I would love a card to Cineplex.

  61. Maegan Morin says:

    I would definately choose walmart!!

  62. Heidi C. says:

    Wlamart or Shoppers Drug Mart would be my choice~!

  63. Huguette E. says:

    I'd love to win Canadian Tire's.

  64. Lindsay C. says:

    Canadian Tire would be a good one!

  65. Bree says:


  66. francine says:

    Starbucks, tim's, Walmart or chapters.

  67. Sylvia says:

    I'd like to see McDonald's in stock and win that

  68. Juliee Fitze says:

    Shoppers Drug Mart Card

  69. Katy Emanuel says:

    I would really like the Indigo/Chapters gift card

  70. Rose says:

    Shopper's Drug Mart.

  71. Paula Huie says:

    id love to win the winners gc !

  72. Kat E. says:


  73. Em Sands says:

    Either an Esso card for gas, or a Walmart one

  74. Walmart or food basics please and thank you 🙂

  75. Canadian tire or walmart would be great

  76. Vesper2012 says:

    The chapters card
    meikleblog at gmail dot com

  77. Jennifer L. says:

    I'd love a card to Cineplex.

  78. Jamie says:

    Any child clothing store. They are growing way to fast

  79. Brianne Hager says:

    I would really like to win the Lush card.

  80. Rebby Roberts says:

    Boston pizza!

  81. Amy Moreau says:

    Tim Horton's would be awesome!

  82. Kim G. says:

    I'd love a Mark's card

  83. HBC for me please!

  84. Glogirl says:

    I'd love to have a Walmart gift card.

  85. I would love to win the Keg card

  86. Anne Taylor says:

    I'd love a White spot card or a Shoppers Card

  87. Amy says:

    I would like Shoppers Drug Mart Gift Card.

  88. Linda says:

    Would love either the Keg or Canadian Tire.

  89. I would love to win the Marks gift card. thanks

  90. Sydney D says:

    Walmart 🙂

  91. Kevin Linkie says:

    I'd love to win anything gas gift cards such as esso, shell etc. Really helps out.


  92. I always want canadian tire, cant get enough of those lol

  93. I would like a tim hortons card

  94. Kamilah says:

    target! Definitely

on the 'GRAM

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