April 9, 2013


My MommiesFirst Experience

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!

MommiesFirst Logo

I came across MommiesFirst in late September 2012 while reading a great blog, Journeys of the Zoo.  I was about 6 months into my maternity leave and I was very curious about the service as I had become a new mom again.  (I know, I sound like a broken record!)  Anyhoo, I started to do a little research into what MommiesFirst was all about and I was pleasantly surprised.  MommiesFirst provides wonderful care packages to expectant and new moms each month with 4-5 products tailored to your baby (up to age 1).

I was actually in shock that a company did this, I had never heard of anything like it before so of course I signed up!  Due to the fact that I wasn’t quite sure what it entailed, I decided to only sign up for 3 months.   The membership plans they offer are reasonably priced and the signup process was super easy.  Complete the info and ensure to tell them a lil more about you and your sweet baby and away you go!  Click the link for more details on how it works.

I’m the kinda girl who LOVES getting packages in the mail so I was super pumped when my first MommiesFirst package arrived in October 2012! Gotta love free shipping too!

MommiesFirst Box

I loved the neutral colouring and simplicity of the packaging.

MommiesFirst package details

Each package comes with a personalized card summarizing a few points about your baby’s development at their age that particular month, as well as a safety pin bundled group of cards outlining each supplier of the products you received in the package. Classy!

MommiesFirst 6mth Box

My son was 6 months when I received this package.  Inside my package, I received very timely Munchkin sippy cups (which have ultimately been my son’s favorite cups and I love them too)!  I also received a Sleep Training brochure (that I clearly need to refer to), Weleda baby care products, and a cute toy.

I received packages in November and December that were just as awesome.  As a matter of fact in the December package I received a plaid sleeper that my son looks so adorable in AND the materials it’s made from are super soft and he loves wearing it. Cute no?

Dec MommiesFirst outfit

After completing my 3 month membership, I believe I responded to a survey and told the owner Lorena that I wish they had this service until my son was 18!  Since then I have purchased MommiesFirst memberships for a few mommies in my life and they’re loving them too.

When I love something, I will be the greatest cheerleader for it so it was a no-brainer when I applied to become a MommiesFirst Council Member.  As a Council Member I  get to be a part of the MommiesFirst adventure by helping to research, review and recommend the very products that make up these amazing boxes!  Oh yea, and I do it because I want to, not because I’m paid to (which by the way I’m not)!  You’re welcome haha!

Have you given or received a MommiesFirst membership?  Tell us about your experience!


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  1. Susan T. says:

    I gave a Mommies First box to a friend for her baby shower. It was a hit!

  2. journeysofthezoo says:

    I didn't know this story. I'm so honoured to have brought the three of us together.

    What a great post on a really great company. The plaid sleeper is adorable and so is the model 🙂

    Here's to many more gifted memberships and great friends.

    Besos, Sarah

    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo

    Finding Humour in Everyday Life

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