June 27, 2013


So Proud to be a Canuck Blogger #TGCBB

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!

Hello all, this post is live and direct from The Great Canadian Blog Bash – TGCBB, just in time for the Canada Day long weekend!  What is the TGCBB?  Well, its a collection of amazing Canadian  social media rockstars who love their country and want to connect with other rockstars and celebrate Canadian businesses!

So if you haven’t already figured it out, this is an all Canadian themed online party! Woohoo!

The Great Canadian Blog Bash

I live in the centre of this glorious country of ours, in a city I’m proud to call my home, Winnipeg.  Also known as The Peg, Peg City, and the Slurpee Capital of the World, Winnipeg could probably have a mosquito as the mascot haha! A few years ago I thought to myself that it’d be awesome to start up a blog of my own.  I wanted to try and focus on the fabulousness of Winnipeg because I feel like sometimes we aren’t as visible to the rest of the country.  I wanted to join the other Winnipeg bloggers/social media fanatics who were sharing the positivity and greatness this city has to offer!

After a couple of years researching, hemming, hawing and building, PegCityLovely was born! For my very first post, I wrote about why I started my blog and as I “got the hang” of things, I started to write more and connect with not only bloggers but some brands and companies as well.  In less than a month I will be celebrating my one year blogiversary and I look forward to celebrating with all of you readers!

I gotta tell ya, the Canadian blogging community is amazing.  They have been so welcoming and fun, plus they’ve embraced my “crazy”, how could I not love ’em?! The community is filled with such dynamic, wonderful people, and I am so blessed to be a part of it all! Yep, I’m gushing, because it’s true!

The Great Canadian Blog Bash will not only allow me to connect with even more online mavens (female and male), but you can too! Follow some new blogs, visit ones you haven’t seen in a while, and enter some great giveaways! There are also some great Canadian companies who have joined TGCBB as sponsors and are giving away some ridiculous prizes – be sure to stay tuned for those!

Who are some great Canadian bloggers that you follow?  What makes them great?

Give them a shout-out in the comments below!


PegCityLovely is all about the convo, share your thoughts!

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  1. There are so many great Canadian bloggers out there, and I love events like this so I get to meet even more of them!

    Thanks for taking part in #TGCBB http://littlemisskate.ca/2013/06/the-count-down-t

  2. It’s great to meet you! There are SO many great Canadian bloggers out there. Some of my favourites are saveyourforktherespie.com, thisbirdsday.com, inthefunlane.com, frugaledmontonmama.com and naturalmommie.com. I could go on and on! 🙂 Stopping by from #TGCBB.

  3. yashy says:

    congrats on the 1 year mark! blogging isn't always easy but it's definitely rewarding! Glad to have discovered Peg City Lovely!

  4. npc23 says:

    Hello there, so very happy you are participating in The Great Canadian Blog Bash and we are very happy to have you! Hope you've found lots of great blogs, I know I have! Congrats on your first year! It's quite the milestone!

  5. Lyne Proulx says:

    Happy 1 year anniversary! Now I want to visit Winnepeg! There are so many Canadian bloggers that I follow- Mommy Moment, and most CBN! We have over 40 that blog on the Ottawa Mommy Club, so I am fan of them!

  6. Olivia says:

    Congrats on a year! I just started blogging (literally – first post published yesterday for #TGCBB!), I have no clue where things will be in a year. There are so many great Canadian bloggers out there – Feisty, Frugal, and Fabulous; Nurse Loves Farmer; Mommy Kat and Kids…

  7. dangerousann says:

    I love the Peg! I haven't been in years, but I used to be sent for work and I always enjoyed it. Above all, I've always found people from Winnipeg to be extremely friendly (although that's also true of many of Canada's hotspots). One of my favourite blogs is thebrunettebaker.blogspot.ca. Her baking is very straightforward and she's great at interacting. Nice to meet you! (www.cookingdangerously.com #tgcbb)

  8. Jen says:

    it's so true, Winnipeg doesn't get enough love, glad you give it props! Thanks for taking part in TGCBB this year!

  9. Happy Canada Day and Happy Blogiversary!

  10. Shari G says:

    Crazy?? You aren't crazy….ok well…maybe you are b/c I am and you seem normal to me 😛

  11. Trina says:

    Congrats on your almost blogaversary! And greetings from not only another fellow Canadian blogger – but a Winnipeg one, too! I think us Canadian bloggers have such a unique perspective on things. I'm always so excited to find out a blogger I love is also Canadian. Mommy Moment is certainly a popular Canadian blogger that comes to mind!

on the 'GRAM

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