May 23, 2016


“On The Go” Kaylee Johnston Interview and #Giveaway

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!

Kaylee Johnston, Canadian pop singer/songwriter based in Vancouver, is gearing up for the release of her self-title debut EP on June 3, 2016!

Between meetings, rehearsals, appearances and performances, Kaylee has a crazy schedule. She’s a fitness enthusiast and regularly uses yoga to center herself. Being the down to earth artist that she is, she took time out of her busy day to have an email interview with me.

Q: Most people don’t realize how much songwriting can take out of you, how does yoga help your creative process? What’s your favourite pose/class style?

It’s interesting, songwriting really energizes me, it’s all the other stuff that tires me out! When I’m feeling stagnant and start losing clarity, yoga is like my reset button. I tend to like the more relaxing kinds of yoga like Hatha and Yin. I’m really active so it’s nice to slow it down and work out built up tension. My favourite pose would have to be Pigeon! Gotta love those hip openers.

Q: I hear you are a fan of dinosaurs! What is your first recollection of their significance in your life? Have you ever thought of incorporating them somehow in your music and/or videos?

Hahahahaha I don’t know where that obsession came from. Since I was a kid I loved them, and then when I watched Jurassic Park I was hooked! Maybe someday I’ll have a dino-theme music video… that would be paradise.

Q: I’m sure you’ve been asked about your favourite Canadian artists/influences etc. Could you tell us your unexpected musical influence, someone no one would ever guess?

I grew up on The Rankin Family! They’re a country/folk group from Nova Scotia and they are awesome. I listened to them with my family when I was a kid and have had a soft spot for them since.

Q: Your current genre is pop, would you be open to a fusion with another genre? Which one and why?

I’m a big fan of Aaliyah, TLC and Destiny’s Child, and have always loved RNB and Soul Music. I would definitely love to incorporate more of that into my music as it evolves.

Q: If you could perform anywhere, where would it be and why? (P.S. you should come to Winnipeg – we are passionate music lovers!)

I’ve been to Winnipeg! I know! Can’t wait to go back. But, if I had to choose anywhere… I’m kind of dying to go to Japan. Everyone says it’s crazy there, in the best way, and I’d love to soak it up and see what playing a concert there would be like.

Q: “Getting Over You” is a powerful song with emotional lyrics, what’s the next release like?

The whole EP is pretty emotional in my opinion. I’m still deciding what the second single will be, but I’m thinking of going with a song called “Caught In the Thick.” It’s about being stuck in emotional purgatory, knowing that letting go will be better and feel better, but being strangely comfortable in discomfort.

Q: How do you prepare for an album/EP release? What’s involved?

It is a constant learning process. I feel like I’m still getting the hang of it. There’s lots of behind-the scenes logistics, but for me, the biggest thing has been all the emotional stuff that’s come along with it. I’ve worked on this project for 3 years and now I have to ‘let it go’ in a sense! But I will say, the more I embrace this next chapter, the better I feel and the more exciting it becomes.

Q: What’s next on the horizon for Kaylee?

Lots of shows! Currently planning a tour this fall, and I have a few summer festivals lined up that I will be able to announce soon 🙂

She’s pretty awesome right? I’m hopeful that she will come to Winnipeg soon and we can meet up in person!

In the spirit of our interview, Kaylee and I felt it only appropriate to giveaway her CD and a few great yoga basics by GAIAM to the PegCityLovely readers.

Kaylee Johnston

The  prize  pack  includes:
(1)  CD  copy  of  the  new  Kaylee  Johnston  EP  –  Value:  $5.00    
(1)  Gaiam    On  The  Go  Yoga  Mat  Carrier  (Fuchsia)  –  Value:  $22.99  
(1)  Gaiam  5mm  Premium  Reversible  Yoga  Mat    (Be  Free)  –  Value:  $39.99  
(1)  Gaiam  Yoga  Block  (Radiant  Orchard)    –  Value:  $14.99  
TOTAL  VALUE:  $82.97


You’ve read the interview; what didn’t I ask that you would have?

Good luck!

PegCityLovely is all about the convo, share your thoughts!

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  1. Andrea L says:

    I would ask her about how her music and sound has evolved over the years and whether her musical influences and tastes have changes as well.

  2. heather sibley says:

    I wo uld ask how long she has been doing yoga

  3. Caryn Coates says:

    I would definitely ask when she started doing yoga. Awesome job!

  4. Ira says:

    I’d ask: what is your favorite go-to food?

  5. Cheryl says:

    I would ask her about her family and background 🙂

  6. Carole Dube says:

    I would ask her when she started yoga!

  7. What is your songwriting process like?

  8. Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard says:

    I would ask her about her family and where she likes to go to on holidays

  9. Courtney says:

    You did a great job! I’d ask her how long ago she started doing yoga and why

  10. Victoria Ess says:

    Who is the musician you would love to collaborate with most?

  11. Natalie says:

    Favourite song by The Rankin Family? (Love them!!)

  12. Paula Ritchie says:

    Where is the most exotic place you travelled to sing?

  13. Heidi P says:

    Who is your female/male Canadian? artist role model

  14. Lisa bolduc says:

    Favorite thing about being on the road

  15. Nicole Jang says:

    If you were to be able to collaborate with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

  16. jan says:

    Does the travel to perform take a toll or does it energize?

  17. Donna Sousa says:

    Do you have a go to snack that you must have when you are creating new music?

  18. Tina L. says:

    What is currently on her playlist.

  19. Tracy D says:

    She likes the Rankins?!! Awesome! I’d ask what her fav Rankins song is, so sad we’ve lost some of that family. Very talented.

  20. Linnea Morgan says:

    So far in you career what has been your favourite show that you have played?

  21. Toby says:

    If you could pick one artist to do a duet, who would it be?

  22. Heidi c. says:

    When did you decide on music on a career?

  23. Lana H says:

    What is your favorite yoga movement?

  24. Bernice says:

    when did you start doing yoga?

  25. Jonnie says:

    I would have asked what her favorite album is by another artist

  26. Andrea Robin says:

    What songs/ artists would be on your ideal playlist?

  27. Jen says:

    Who are your musical inspirations?

  28. Stacy k says:

    Where has been your favorite place to preform? And where is one place you dream of performing one day?

    • Hey Stacy!

      My favorite show thus far was at the Sound Academy in Toronto opening up for Dragonette. It was so surreal! But my dream place… probably Coachella 🙂

      xo Kaylee

on the 'GRAM

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