August 30, 2016


Nurturing Great Ideas with Hilroy #ScribbleStories

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word Hilroy?

Did you say school supplies? That’s the first thing that popped into my head! Hilroy has played a significant role in my life since I went to school (way back when), and the brand is timeless as it now plays a major role in my children’s educational lives.

I fondly remember getting the package of “scribblers” and making sure there was enough of each colour for each subject.

Hilroy is so much more than a notebook though. Many songs, stories, doodles, ideas, lists and drawings have been captured in the many Hilroy products our household has used and will continue to use.

With such a wide range of products to choose from, my children, across various age ranges, have used and will use Hilroy products at each stage of their lives.

My eldest daughter Ki has just graduated high school. While she may not be in the market to use the traditional notebooks as she takes a year off, she still loves the feel of a small notebook to call her own. She uses it to write down her thoughts and things she needs to get done or take notes for training at her new job. There’s something to be said for pen and paper – it will never go out of style!

Even though he is only 4, my son J uses numerous Hilroy products to capture his newfound joy of drawing bugs and of course printing his name. Each piece of paper tells a new imaginative story.

He will have an entire education ahead of him to use Hilroy’s products when he starts Kindergarten next September.

Storytelling, songwriting and creative ideas are just a few of the things my daughter Ci accomplishes with pen and paper. As she confidently heads into her 2nd year of high school, her love for written word has not diminished even with all of the technology around her.

She’s also in the process of revamping her YouTube channel to reflect her more mature songwriting skills. Check out the older Hilroy style notebook she was writing in! We have numerous notebooks from a variety of years in our home.

Hilroy has recently launched Hilroy Labs YouTube channel, which is geared towards sharing a series of videos callled #ScribbleStories.

The Hilroy Labs videos provide practical information. I like the quirky yet simple to understand studying hacks:

However, my ultimate favourite so far is the “How To Organize Your Notes” video, it’s the one most needed in our house!

Other videos on the channel include feature mini-interviews with people who have started a great idea on paper and brought it to life! I’m hoping my daughter’s triple threat career will be brought to life through her singing, dancing and acting. She’s definitely on the right path!

At the end of the day all great stories start with a scribble, don’t they?

How would you like to receive a fabulous Hilroy prize pack? Enter below:

Hilroy Back to School

For more information about Hilroy products, head on over to their website to view all of their offerings.

This post is part of the and Hilroy #ScribbleStories sponsored program. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by the sponsors.

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  1. Jay Nelson says:

    I wanted to be many things: helicopter rescue person (from my Mark Harmen crush) and vet are two I remember. I became neither, but I am in the helping field.

  2. Wanda Tracey says:

    When I was growing up I wanted to be a radiologiist technition .I loved school and tsking notes and appreciated having Hilroy books to write and doodle in!

on the 'GRAM

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