January 21, 2024


The Story Behind My First Name

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!
Write about your first name: its meaning, significance, etymology, etc. 
Bloganuary Day 21

Only 10 days left in my Bloganuary adventure, and it’s getting personal – chatting about the stories behind our names. My name? Natalie. It’s got a bit of festive flair and a dash of Hollywood inspiration.

So, ‘Natalie’ has these Christmas vibes, coming from the Latin word ‘natalis,’ meaning ‘birth.’ Which is kind of hilarious because I was born the day before Halloween! But for me, the charm of my name isn’t just in its meaning.

My mom was a huge fan of the iconic Natalie Wood. So I like to think it’s less about the Christmas connection and more about the grace and talent of an actress she admired. It’s a nod to someone memorable, which I think is pretty cool.

From a little Latin and a Hollywood star, to me, Natalie isn’t just a name; it’s a part of my identity, my story. Names are like that, aren’t they? Unique little stories we all carry with us. Can’t wait to hear yours!

What’s the story behind your name? Is it a family tradition, a unique find, or does it have a special meaning?

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