March 8, 2013


A Blog Conference You Won’t Want To Miss!

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

Is it just me or are there a ridiculous amount of blog conferences this year?  I love it!

I love that there are so many opportunities to grow as a blogger, to connect with other bloggers, to learn about blogging and have fun while doing it!

Let’s be realistic though, a lot of bloggers are like me, blogging part-time, and it’s not our main source of income, therefore the thought of attending blog conferences that are everywhere BUT where I live, is a stretch of my imagination and wallet.

So, what is the alternative? Attend an online blog conference!

TBW Callout Banner

As someone who is frugal but looking for value and a lot of bang for my buck, The Blog Workshop Online Blog Conference from May 17th to 19th, 2013 is the perfect way for me to attend a highly visible blog conference this year!  It’s extremely cost-effective – I don’t need to look for flights or hotels or car rentals!  I get to attend from the comfort of my home, or library, or coffee shop!  All I need to pay for is my registration of $175.  Yup, only $175 to attend an amazing blog conference with a jam-packed agenda featuring reputable and well known speakers!

Is $175 still a little pricey for ya?  Well you’re in luck! Payment plans are available (which is unheard of) OR there are discounted tickets available through their Indiegogo campaign!

Make a contribution and earn a perk! Check out the video:

[embedit snippet=”tbw-video”]

Soooo, are you ready to register?

TBW Registration



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