October 31, 2013


Composting Made Easy with the #GladGruesome Challenge

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!

Composting is always something I’ve admired about the folks I know that do it and do it successfully.  I have to be honest, I’ve been known to make a few excuses as to why we haven’t been composting in our household: it’s messy, no extra space, it will smell etc.  A couple of weeks ago, I was given the opportunity to test GLAD® compostable bags through the #GLADGruesome Challenge, a fun family activity using the “innards” from our pumpkin carving for Halloween!

Here’s how it all went down:

1)      We bought our pumpkins at the local grocery store – one for each child. This is our son’s first year to actually help carve a pumpkin, he was pretty excited!

2)      Everyone had already formulated the design they wanted for their pumpkin earlier so it was just a matter of taking the time to use the stencils and/or freehand to get things going. We were all excited to start carving!

3)      We started to fill up our GLAD® compostable bag in its bin quite quickly. As much as it seemed yucky and messy, we all loved taking out the pumpkin guts and separating the seeds!

4) Just before we did the big reveal we made sure to put those pumpkin seeds to good use by roasting them! Yum! Of course we had to do some video, I even got the hubby-to-be on his first blog video haha

And here are our pumpkins in all of their glory! The lil one is for our lil guy J, Ci the tween decided to carve a bit of a scary face and Ki the teen carved her favourite subject: music (treble and bass clef for those who may not know)!

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Our pumpkin extras, innards and large pieces were all placed in the bin lined with a GLAD® compostable bag, and we left it to sit for a total of 4 days. I was a little apprehensive to open the bin because I was scared that it might smell and perhaps already have mould growing on the pieces etc. To my surprise there wasn’t any odour when I opened the lid, just a little condensation and that was it!

GLAD® compostable bags have made me a believer! Now the true test, to use the bin for everyday compostable items. Check them out for yourself on the GLAD Canada website and then use this coupon to save $2.00 on your purchase!

Does your family participate in composting? If so, would you had the new GLAD compostable bags to your routine? If not, will you try them?

Disclosure: Please note that I received complimentary product in order to facilitate this review. All opinions on this blog are honest and mine, all mine.


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  1. Susan T. says:

    We don’t compost in our house because of the smell and mess. I know others do but I just haven’t been able to myself. Our neighborhood has community bins though.

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