January 3, 2014


Time For Me to Try #GlutenFree Cooking #Giveaway

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!

Lately, everywhere I look, I’m reading about gluten-free products and recipes. Is it just the newest fad in the healthy eating realm? Some of my friends would beg to differ, it’s a lifestyle for most.

I have had gastro type issues since I was a young girl, makes me wonder if I’ve just been sensitive to gluten all these years. When I think gluten-free I automatically think: a) no taste b) no flavour, c) and OMG no breads, cookies, etc?! How on earth will I be able to eat this stuff?

Rather than make assumptions about what it means to live a gluten-free lifestyle, I decided to do a little research.

First and foremost, what is gluten?

Gluten (from Latin gluten, “glue“) is a protein composite found in foods processed from wheat and related grain species, including barley and rye. Gluten gives elasticity to dough, helping it rise and keep its shape and often gives the final product a chewy texture. Gluten is used in cosmetics, hair products, and other dermatological preparations.  [1.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gluten]

Um, gluten is used in cosmetics and hair products? Holy smokes what am I eating!?!?

Ok, so, wow perhaps there are reasons to switch to a gluten-free lifestyle! Reason 1, the definition itself. Reason 2, the fact that there is a disease associated with eating gluten!

Celiac disease is a medical condition in which the absorptive surface of the small intestine is damaged by a substance called gluten. This results in an inability of the body to absorb nutrients: protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for good health. [2. http://www.celiac.ca/index.php/about-celiac-disease-2/symptoms-treatment-cd/]

I read the labels on all of the food I buy but celiacs must be diligent in sticking to gluten-free foods and products as gluten can be found in hidden sources such as malt or spelt. Luckily there are certain brands that carry certified gluten-free products.

Do you have to have celiac disease to eat gluten-free? No, but I know quite a few people who have removed gluten from their diets, adopted the lifestyle  and say that they feel so much better…reduced bloating, gassiness etc.

In order to reap the benefits of any change in diet, it’s important to be consistent and stick with it for at least a few months. I’ve always heard about gluten-free cooking being better for you, so I’m trying it out with my family for the next little while – slow but sure!

One of the resources I’m using is the Easy Everyday Gluten-Free Cooking cookbook. The recipes are simple and don’t require me to travel to the ends of the earth for specific ingredients. A lot of the meals are appetizing and great for the whole family. My faves so far? Quinoa-Stuffed Peppers (I’ve been on a quinoa kick for a few months now!) and of course the Nanaimo Bars mmmmm!

Donna Washburn, P.H.Ec. and Heather Butt, P.H.Ec. are Canadian professional home economists and acknowledged experts in gluten-free recipe development so I’m super excited to host a giveaway of their cookbook Easy Everyday Gluten-Free Cooking for my fabulous readers! Enter below and good luck!

Open to Canada & US. Ends Jan 17/14

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  1. I started eating gluten free a while ago and sure notice a difference. I too have had issues with bowels since was a baby and suspect it could have been the gluten. My bloating is now reduced and sure notice a difference with my energy levels.

  2. Samantha Daleo says:

    I didn’t know that there were so many great Gluten Free recipes! I thought to cut out Gluten meant to basically eat cardboard!

  3. Daniel M says:

    didn’t realize how many foods contain gluten

  4. Andrea says:

    There are so many great gluten-free products out there, especially with the increasing cases of celiac disease…and yes, there are even cookies and cakes 🙂

  5. Janet H. says:

    Something I didn’t know about gluten-free lifestyle is that this lifestyle does not mean that we cannot enjoy delicious snacks/foods we like to eat, there actually a lot of different options we can choose from (such as eating nuts, roasted chick peas, dates, dark chocolate covered fruits) if we decide to have a gluten free lifestyle, it will help us create new eating habits for eating

  6. Jo says:

    There is so much to learn about a gluten free diet. Gluten is hidden in so many products. I need all the help I can get.

  7. Betty S says:

    I have a great niece that has just been diagnosed with Celiac, so I learn something new everyday. It is hard work, maintaining a gluten free diet

  8. Amanda S. says:

    My family and I have been on the gluten free bandwagon for about two years now. I personally noticed improvement in my health. And the whole house experienced weight loss when the gluten junk food was removed.

  9. Natalie yeoman says:

    I’m suppose to eat gluten free foods because I have stomach problems but I have a hard time finding them foods

  10. Debbie Mackay says:

    My Hubby loves Gluten-Free options – and I’d like to learn more GF baking.

  11. tracy says:

    I thought it was much harder to be gluten-free. There are so many recipes and dishes that sound delicious! I love quinoa!

  12. Jenn T. says:

    My 11 year old has been gluten free for 3 years. We are always looking for new recipes.

  13. michelle hebert says:

    I didn’t know u can make so many goodies that are gluton free and that gluton is in make up

  14. I have a gluten allergy. I’m still surprised to learn of it hiding in new places!

  15. Anna W says:

    Something I did not know about the gluten free lifestyle is that how many great foods and recipes are out there for people who eat gluten free. I went shopping the other day and noticed an entire section of the store was gluten free options. My friend has celiac and was worried about what she was going to eat but she sees there is lots out there now.

  16. Brandee H says:

    My father recently had to give up gluten. Ive been baking gluten free bagels, breads and other foods. Its amazing how much easier they are on my tummy!!

  17. natasha severson says:

    ii’ve tried a few gf foods some i have liked some i have hated! my family doesnt have celiac disease but we try to eat healthy when possible

  18. Kathleen says:

    My husband has celiac disease so following a gluten free diet is a necessity…and most gf foods don’t taste as different as I thought they might!

  19. Elnaz S says:

    I wasn’t aware that many celiac disease sufferers are not meeting the daily-recommended intakes of certain vitamins and minerals – I can only imagine how tricky it must be to maintain a healthy gluten-free diet, particularly when you have a busy life!

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