July 25, 2014


My #BlogHer14 Epiphany

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

I’m at BlogHer 2014 in San Jose, California. In my hotel room. Writing this post.

PegCityLovely at BlogHer14

I feel compelled to share  the epiphanies I’ve had during a few of the sessions I have attended and even more so during the conversations I’ve been having with new and old blogger friends. I have a strategic vision for where I believe my blog should and will be, I need to harness that and run with it!

Consistency. Goals. Connections. Risk-Taking.

Why am I here?

I’m here because I want my blog and blogging/social media career to be more than my lil side gig.  There, I said it! I continue to attend conferences and connect with brands and other bloggers on a regular basis. I constantly come up with the same conclusion. I need to LIVE MY PASSION and everywhere I turn, it keeps slapping me upside my head. The opportunities are within my reach. My family and  friends know it, they all agree and are willing to provide incredible support.

What’s holding me back? Why the need for more validation?

Perfectionism. Excuses. Procrastination. ComfortZone/Status Quo

Anything I’ve ever been successful at in this life of mine as been because of my relentless drive ,including launching PegCityLovely just over two years ago. I need to stop doing what I have been doing lately…leaving content in my brain or in multiple draft posts because I don’t have the right picture etc.  “Perfection is fear”, right Tamara? I have a ridiculous amount of stories and experiences in this brain of mine that need to be shared. It’s my creative expression, a release and who knows who may be affected or can relate?

I need to get out of my own way and just do the damn thing!  I appreciate Dani, Tamara and Amy for reinforcing what I already know over the past day and a half.

The time is now.

p.s. I’m the girl with the awesome selfie stick! 😉




PegCityLovely is all about the convo - let your thoughts be known!

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  1. mrdisco1 says:

    what’s a selfie stick?

  2. Judy Cowan says:

    Go for it – do it!!! Love following your blog!

  3. mrdisco1 says:

    love the macbook air! 🙂

  4. mrdisco1 says:

    good luck reaching your goals!

  5. Carla says:

    Enjoy 🙂

on the 'GRAM

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