July 7, 2014


Surviving My Gong Show With Positive Thinking

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!

What a crazy chaotic couple of months, wow! Ever wonder if one day someone will jump out from around a corner and tell you you’ve been Punk’d?

We all have a little craziness in our lives right? Whether it’s occurring at work, at home, or in our social lives, we all have times when things can get a tad overwhelming, some good and some bad.

pegcitylovely gong show

What’s my issue you ask? Here’s a lil insight into the mind of PegCityLovely these days:

  • battling a toddler with the worst sleep habits EVER who I also believe has taken extended breastfeeding a bit too far
  • hormonal tween and teen daughters who apparently know everything and heaven forbid should pick up after themselves
  • feeling like if I don’t plan this upcoming wedding of mine by myself, it won’t happen
  • constantly being accessible and available to family and friends who need to “vent” but have no time to listen to what’s going on with me
  • having to pass up amazing opportunities aka dream jobs due to financial restraints
  • not being able to update my blog for weeks because I couldn’t access certain functions
  • dealing with madness in my day job
  • needing just one day of pampering, one full day of me time
  • daily (sometimes hourly) flash-backing of my mom and the last few weeks of her life
  • feeling the need to be “strong” 24/7 – when there are many  days I’d just rather not get out of bed

That’s just the start, I could go on with a few more bullet points but you know what? Why? There is so much negativity in the news and on my Facebook timeline these days, heck even the weather has been depressing and let’s not even start on the topic of mosquitoes. So why should I add to it? It’s just nice to get it off my chest once in a while.

I don’t need to dwell on these things because I can guarantee there are people around me dealing with much worse. I’d rather be their sunshine than add to their clouds!

I have choices:

  1. choose the positive people
  2. choose positive thinking
  3. speak my happiness into existence
  4. choose my sanity
  5. choose my health
  6. choose love
  7. and choose to make one heckuva sweet vat of lemonade out of my lemons so I can share with all of you!

Life is too short folks, so let’s get out there and live it!  No pity parties here, onward and upward! I’m back on track, so let’s do this!

Who’s with me?

PegCityLovely is all about the convo, share your thoughts!

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  1. heidi c. says:

    That is a very succinct, close-to-home list of choices! I agree with you completely.

  2. Brandee H says:

    Sounds like you have made lots of great choices. Today I choose to treat myself to chocolate at 9 am because my son was having a meltdown because I had given him the wrong cup! 🙂 I still remember my moms last weeks as well. Those are hard. But they will turn from flashbacks, to memories and from buckets of tears to wet eyes. Enjoy your lemonade 🙂

    • Natalie says:

      Thanks so much for your comments, it’s very much appreciated Brandee! It’s all about continuing to make those positive choices in my life and be a role model for those around me…

  3. mrdisco1 says:

    a massage helps maintain serenity

  4. mrdisco1 says:

    it’s hard to stay positive on some days!

  5. Lisa says:

    Thanks for that! I needed that too xo

on the 'GRAM

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