September 26, 2014


Experience #MBCultureDays This Weekend #exploreMB #nbwpg

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!


Once a year, for the past 5 years, Manitoba has participated in the largest-ever collective public participation campaign undertaken by the arts and cultural community in Canada called Culture Days.

Culture Days invites everyone to explorediscover and participate in arts and culture in every community across the country. In 2013, the fourth annual Culture Days event took place in more than 800 Canadian cities and towns, with attendance topping 1.7 million Canadian!

Arts and culture have played a huge role in my childhood and family since the day I was born. Growing up the daughter of a musician has its perks! Not only do I sing and act, my sister Lisa is a triple threat! She just finished a fabulous run at Rainbow Stage and you can catch her singing all over the city with the Ron Paley Big Band or the Big City All Star Band. Even my children exhibit acting and musical talents, maybe I should start a musical group, hmm!

From September 26 to 28th, 2014, Manitoba’s arts and culture community will showcase amazing individual talents and engaging organizations through numerous activities across the province. It couldn’t happen without the thousands of volunteers, they are doing it for us, so make sure you get out there and enjoy everything Culture Days has to offer.

Culture Days inspires EVERYONE to participate in a variety of free events to help you discover this wonderful evolving community. From storytelling to plays, to dance workshops to art exhibits, to do-it-yourself craft activities, it is truly an event for folks of any age or background. Bring your family!

I know that our family will be participating by checking out the Activities for Kids first, then as a “date night” with my hubby-to be, we plan on attending Nuit Blanche Winnipeg!


We’ve wanted to attend Nuit Blanche for the past 4 years (since we’ve known about Culture Days); however now that our lil guy is older, his sisters can babysit him and we can explore more than 65 events featuring contemporary art and performances in Winnipeg from dusk until dawn. I highly suggest that you stay tuned to my Instagram for pics and vids!

Remember, it’s only for this weekend, tell your friends, and heck, you might as well tell your friends in other provinces to participate in their cities too! Let’s top last year’s attendance and hit the 2 million mark.

I would love to hear about your experiences with Culture Days no matter where you’re from, so come back and comment to let me know how it went!



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