January 12, 2015


#MondayAMMusings from #Detroit at #FordNAIAS #NAIAS2015

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

Well folks, it’s official, media credentials and all – I am in Detroit to attend the Press Preview of the North American International Auto Show! I honestly can’t thank Ford Canada enough for this amazing opportunity!

As promised last week, I had every intention of recording this week’s #MondayAMMusings from Detroit. What an amazing way to start the auto show and stay true to my brand!

Huge shoutouts to everyone who didn’t mind my impromptu interviewing: Nancy from Whispered Inspirations, Vernon from MoVernie On The Move, Randa from The Bewitchin Kitchen, Teresa from ChecaLAMovie, Sharad from Freshly Educated Men, honourary Canadian Ashley from Quirky Inspired, and Pascal from Planet Techno!

This week’s quote is from Henry Ford of course!

QUOTE:  You can’t build your reputation on what you are going to do.

PegCityLovely is all about the convo - let your thoughts be known!

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  1. Judy Cowan says:

    What an awesome experience! I am a Ford girl all the way!

on the 'GRAM

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