May 9, 2016


Changing Up My Blogging Game

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

Change it, change it, change it.

That’s what keeps going through my head about my blog. I knew I wanted change but I wasn’t really sure what it was that I wanted to change.

I have the look I want, I have the logo I want and I have the colour scheme I want.

That’s all fine and dandy, but I don’t have the CONTENT I want, the content that really shows who I am, the content I think know you will love!

When I started blogging in 2012 I thought I needed to follow certain type of template to be successful.  I also thought I needed have a similar layout to others in order to be noticed. Heck, I was new to it and hadn’t done it before, so I need to cut myself some slack haha!

I figured that I’ve become so bogged down in everything that goes on the behind the scenes of my blog (SEO marketing, promotion, blog maintenance etc), that I forgot I need to let ME shine through!

I also have to be mindful of the fact that I do have a full-time job and therefore I’m not able to truly blog as often as I’d like.

Or can I?

Thanks to a thing called post formats I am going to be blogging a lot more frequently!

What are post formats you ask?

Well, they are simply different types of posts that you can have on a blog. It’s been a part of WordPress for years and yet for some reason they just haven’t had the same visibility as other functions. Post formats allow me to have a Tumblr-style blog while still using WordPress. All I had to do was edit my CSS stylesheet and voila (please excuse the technical terms)!

I can post something similar to a Facebook status, I can post a gallery of pictures, I can post an audio clip or I can post a video clip, the list goes on!

Blog Changes

What does it mean for you as a reader?

Not only will my content frequency increase but many of you who may not have Instagram or YouTube etc will not miss out, as those posts will easily convert onto my blog! It will also be easy for you to quickly visualize and select the type of posts I’m publishing as well.

As an aside, right now this post is being dictated into the WordPress app on my iPhone, because as I stated earlier, I work full-time and therefore need to be mindful of my time.

Most of everything you see on my blog is done using my iPhone, and the great thing with post formats is that I can use the WordPress app to pick the type of post I want and away I go! No more 2am editing. I can post on the fly and worry about the other stuff when I do get the time to hunker down in front of my laptop.

I’m going to try this out for little while starting right now! As you know, I am always evolving and willing to try new things, and I hope you are too.

I would love to hear your feedback on this new, yet awesome and somewhat significant change I’ve put into place for PegCityLovely!

Don’t be shy, tell me your thoughts in the comment section below.


PegCityLovely is all about the convo - let your thoughts be known!

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  1. Krista M says:

    Wow it’s amazing you manage to have a full-time job and still make time for your blog! I think the layout is easy to navigate, bright & eye-catching. Great work!

  2. Post formats are awesome. I especially love the status format for quick thoughts that aren’t quite blog posts. 🙂 I haven’t been doing audio but I would like to start doing some of that. And video – I used to do so much of that but haven’t had much time lately.

  3. Heidi c. says:

    I am amazed that you do most of your blog work via your iPhone. Great job all around!

on the 'GRAM

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