October 24, 2016


Natural Hair Growth Comparison

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!
I still cannot believe how much my hair has grown in the past few months!
Healthy eating, physical activity and the right hair products with the right regimen are clearly working in my favour!

#NaturalHair growth! Check out my puff game people! I’m lovin it! #pegcitynaturalista

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  1. M. Archambeau says:

    It looks nice and healthy!

  2. Susan Wells says:

    Wow, really nice, what a difference….

  3. Cheryl MacPhail says:

    Wow sure can see a difference! I need to make some changes here for healthier hair for sure!

  4. Brenda Lacourciere says:

    That’s pretty amazing. Great Puff!

  5. Glad to hear that your hair is growing well. My hair grows sooooo slowly. I’d love to say that it’s all genetics but I’m sure it’s partly because I’m not using the right hair products.

    Besos, Sarah.

  6. loriag says:

    That is so great hair growth.

  7. Janice Cournoyer says:

    I am going to stop straightening my hair and see if it gets more thicker and healthier.

  8. Cm says:

    Looking forward to trying this with my daughters hair

  9. Lana Hood says:

    Healthy living has certainly benefitted you – good job!

  10. ivy pluchinsky says:

    Looking good! Glad things are going great for you.

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