November 30, 2016


Find Your Balance With Ayurvedic Tea from Tetley

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

Would you agree that there is comfort in a steaming hot cup of tea?

I wholeheartedly believe there is!

Whether it’s chamomile, peppermint, ginger, or cinnamon, there are many different ingredients with a variety of benefits in many teas today. Tea has always been a part of my family traditions. It is the first thing our family drinks before breakfast. Perhaps it’s the British influence on my Jamaican heritage.

I drink tea at a minimum of twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. It’s an important part of my daily routine, and when I don’t have my tea, boy is it noticeable!

Unfortunately, I cannot drink just any types of teas anymore.

For me, the days of drinking teas with caffeine are gone. Why? My own personal health challenges.

As part of my healthy journey, I have drastically reduced any types of caffeine in my diet and that includes tea and coffee. So yes, I drink decaf coffee and a variety of herbal teas.

When I saw that Tetley launched a new line of Ayurvedic Balance teas, I was intrigued. Firstly, anything that will give this busy working mom of 3 balance is good in my books, and I hadn’t even tried them yet!

Secondly, I had no idea about Ayurvedic teachings which is the balancing of the mind, body, and spirit. Tetley took that knowledge and with the help of Ayurvedic experts, created these balance blend teas for us!

The new teas are full of all natural ingredients such as: peppermint, turmeric, cinnamon an ginger root to name a few. Each one of the new balance teas have their own special benefits based on your “dosha”or your specific need at the moment whether you need poise, cooling, or vigour.


“Ayurveda recognizes 3 doshas (or energies) – Vata, Pitta and Kapha – that describe everyone’s biological, physical and mental states and tendencies”

Each one of us may have a dominant dosha but everyone has a combination of all 3.

Take the dosha quiz and find out more about your dosha and how these teas can help you achieve balance!

While my personal dosha results are Pitta, I have taken a liking to drinking the Vigour-Kapha (invigorating) in the morning:

and the Poise-Vata (calming) before bedtime.

Would you like to win your very own Tetley Ayurvedic Balance teas prize pack?


Giveaway open to Canada (void where prohibited). Ends December 14, 2016 1:00pm

How do you Find Your Balance each day and which Tetley Ayurvedic Tea matches your needs best? 

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  1. Linda says:

    I take walks every day to keep balance and poise was my match.

  2. loucheryl says:

    I love to run every day for balance and take a 20 minute nap daily. This helps so much! I would love to try Tetley Ayurvedic Balance Poise-Vata Tea before bedtime.

  3. Caryn Coates says:

    I find balance by always making sure I take time for me.The best one for me is Poise Vata

  4. Jonnie says:

    I find my balance by taking quiet time for myself after everyone else is in bed. The quiz says that all 3 teas would help me but since it says my dominant dosha is Vata, I think Poise Vata tea would be best for me.

  5. Amy C says:

    I try to take time for myself. Match was Kapha Dosha

  6. Brenda Lacourciere says:

    I find my balance by taking time for me. I would like to try the Ayurvedic Balance Vigour-Kapha Tea.

  7. Sunshine G says:

    I want to try the Vata Dosha tea – and a good cup of tea helps centre me when I’m stressed, so it actually does help me find balance.

  8. M says:

    Poise-Vata matches my needs best

  9. Jeannie Lam says:

    I think the Tetely Ayurvedic Balance Vigour-Kapha Tea would be best for me.

  10. lori butler says:

    I want to start trying a nighttime tea t osee if it will help improve my sleep

  11. Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard says:

    I think the Tetely Ayurvedic Balance Vigour-Kapha Tea sounds perfect for me

  12. missbobloblaw says:

    I find my balance by starting the day with peace & quiet. I get up before the rest of the house & take time to meditate. According to the quiz the Vigour tea is for me.

  13. Anne-Marie Tvete says:

    I recently started a gentle yoga class which has really helped me feel more balanced. I think the Tetely Ayurvedic Balance Vigour-Kapha Tea
    would be great for me for that after noon slump that I get.

  14. Florence Cochrane says:

    I need the Tetely Ayurvedic Balance Vigour-Kapha Tea for when I am sluggish. I find my balance by taking time to relax when stressed.

  15. Jenn says:

    I Find Your Balance each day by going for a run in the morning or a walk in the afternoon. I took the quiz and my dominant dosha is Kapha.

  16. Rhonda W G. says:

    According to the quiz it’s Vata Dosha tea for me…but all 3 Ayurvedic Balance Tea can help restore my balance…

  17. Amy Dell says:

    I definitely need the bedtime tea, having trouble calming down after a busy day at work

  18. Pam says:

    I find my balance by going for daily walks and getting some sunshine. I think the Vigour is the tea for me, working with kindergarten students can make me drained of energy.

  19. Seham M says:

    I take walks around the block to find my balance and the poise tea would help

  20. Tainan Lu says:

    I would love to try the the Poise tea

  21. Gillian Morgan says:

    The pitta matches my needs best. I find my balance by taking time to relax and read wach day.

  22. Judy Cowan says:

    I try to take some me time before bed to help my find my balance, looks like the Poise tea would be a good one for me to try.

  23. Alison Braidwood says:

    I think the Poise tea would help me most. Plus I like cinnamon :0

  24. Anne Taylor says:

    I’d love to try the Poise-Vata and I find my balance by meditation in bed before sleep!

  25. Nicole B says:

    My tea would be the Poise Vata and I find my balance by having a nice hot bath every night!

  26. jan says:

    Looks like I need some Poise as well.

  27. andrea says:

    I find balance by meditating and/or practicing yoga everyday. I am a yoga teacher and know how crucial balance is in all our lives. That being said, my major dosha is pitta so I would love to try the Dosha tea to help cool me down when I get a little heated up!

  28. Kelly says:

    I like to walk daily to help me find my balance. I think vigour tea most matches my preferences. I hope to find out soon!

  29. Toby says:

    My result is Pitta. I would need the calming effect of Poise.

  30. Tara Betterley says:

    The one that would be best for me is the Pitta according to the quiz.. i would of thought that I would need something to calm me down before bedtime.

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