January 19, 2024


Leadership with Heart, Matters

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!
What makes a good leader?
Bloganuary Day 19

Can you believe we are just over a week away from ending this Bloganuary journey? For Day 19: What makes a good leader? For me, it’s not just about the big decisions; it’s so much more.

Empathy at the Forefront

Leadership is about understanding and feeling with your team. It’s about being in tune with their emotions and experiences, creating a bond that goes beyond work.

Integrity as the Foundation

Doing the right thing, even when no one’s watching. That’s non-negotiable. It’s what builds trust and respect in any leader.

Celebrating Diversity with Inclusivity

A leader who embraces all walks of life, who sees strength in differences, that’s the leader who builds a team that thrives.

Human Touch

Let’s not forget, leaders are humans too. Showing that human side – being open about challenges, sharing in the joys, and having genuine conversations – that’s what makes a leader relatable and real.

Whether I’m leading a project or just managing my daily life, these are the principles I stand by. To me, leadership is less about directing and more about uplifting and empowering.

In the end, good leadership is about making a positive impact, one that lasts and inspires. It’s about leading with a heart and a vision.

What qualities do you value in a leader? Drop your thoughts in the comments!

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