January 7, 2024


My ‘Do Differently’ List

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!
What could you do differently?
Bloganuary Day 7

It’s Day 7 of Bloganuary, and today’s about pondering what I could do differently. But here’s a twist – even if I don’t change a thing, I know I’m still good. That being said, who doesn’t love a little shake-up in their routine? So, let’s take a look at my list and a fun challenge I’ve got in store for us.

  • Kick procrastination to the curb: I’m the first to admit, sometimes I let procrastination sneak in. It’s time to show it the door. I know I can do better.
  • Hydration station: Water’s not just for plants, right? I’m aiming to up my water game every single day.
  • Solo travel adventures: There’s something about solo travel that just speaks to me. Exploring new places on my own? More of that, please!
  • Mastering time: Instead of ‘managing’ time, how about flowing with it? Finding a rhythm that works for me is the goal.
  • Consistency is key: I’m looking to get more consistent with my content – keeping it real and regular. Period.
  • Eating right, feeling bright: Healthy eating, here I come. It’s not just about looking good, it’s about feeling amazing.
  • Self-Care for the win: Sauna, massage, facials – self-care isn’t a luxury, it’s essential. It’s not just about pampering, it’s about recharging and I’m here for it.

Introducing the #DailyShiftsChallenge

I’m launching the #DailyShiftsChallenge. It’s about making one small change each day for a week. Whether it’s choosing a healthy snack or spending 10 minutes in meditation, every little shift counts. I’ll be documenting my daily shifts starting on Wednesday January 10th and would love for you to join in! Share your journey with the hashtag #DailyShiftsChallenge on Instagram or Facebook or right here in the comments.

Why these tweaks, you ask? They’re all about growth, wellbeing, and enjoying life. But remember, it’s not about pressure; it’s about progress. Whether I nail this list or not, I’m proud of where I stand.

What’s your take on making changes? What small shifts would you like to make? Let’s inspire each other with our ideas and experiences. Share your thoughts, and let’s celebrate every step, big or small.

You ready?

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