September 26, 2012


Family organization tools are key to a happy household

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

It’s been a few weeks since school started for the girls and what a difference from my previous post about their summer.  Instead of sleeping in til 1 or 2pm, alarm clocks are now set at a whopping 6:45am (insert evil laugh here)!
Being back in school again means all of their extracurricular activities have begun as well.  Dance classes, developmental soccer, league basketball, piano and guitar – these are all in addition to school clubs and activities!

My role in all of this? Chauffeur and benefactor hahaha
But hey, we do anything for our children right?

To keep all of us sane, I have a couple of useful family organization tools that work for us (for now!):

  1. Whiteboard and Calendar – This is our little hub in the kitchen, everyone knows to look at the calendar as every important date is posted. It also includes the grocery list, ‘things to do’ list and a ‘things to get’ list.  The corkboard is handy for items like: notes from school, current bills to be paid, and dentist/doctor appointment reminder slips.

family organization centre











2. BBM group calendar – Even though my Blackberry has been giving me grief lately, the BBM group function works well for our family (since we all have b-berries). When I am aware of the various schedules/appointments, I take the time to enter them all in. I rarely hear the phrase “well I never knew where it was or what time it was supposed to start”.

Now if only I could figure out a creative way to teleport everyone to the various locations, then I’d be set!

Do you have any tips or tricks on keeping your family organized?  I’d love to try something new!


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  1. Kyooty says:

    But tell me,how is the follow through for the kids? are they keeping up? I just went into to town here to deliver homework. (eye roll)

on the 'GRAM

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