June 4, 2013


4 Ways You Can Be Better with JCI

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

jci winnipegAbout 7 years ago, I joined an organization called JCI – Junior Chamber International. At that time in my life, I was just starting to progress into more senior Human Resource roles and I wanted to connect with  individuals in my age group who were interested in networking, business and community involvement.  It is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made on both a personal and professional level.

Who are the members of JCI? We are young professionals and entrepreneurs age 18-40 who are interested in being active citizens and influencing positive change in our communities.  JCI is a membership based, non-profit organization that offers amazing opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals while participating in activities and projects that challenge you and assist in your personal growth.

I am a member of JCI Winnipeg, the oldest chapter in Canada celebrating 90 years this year; also one of many chapters under the JCI Canada umbrella.  In the past few years as a member of JCI Winnipeg, I have served on the Executive Board as Vice President- Sponsorship & Marketing (2010-2012) and most recently as a Director (2013-present).   The Executive Board is a fabulous group of people, great minds, great personalities, and great passion!  At the 2012 Annual Gala dinner, I received awards for Long Service and also Member of the Year for helping to initiate JCI Winnipeg’s social media strategy, in addition to chairing the Annual Golf Tournament.

JCI Winnipeg - 2012 Member of the Year Natalie Bell (with Kelly Faubert - Past President)

JCI Winnipeg – 2012 Member of the Year Natalie Bell (with Kelly Faubert – Past President)

JCI has recently adopted a powerful slogan BE BETTER.  Pretty simple right? This mantra is infused throughout the entire organization whether you are in Asia, Canada or Columbia.  It’s a powerful statement that sums up exactly what I hope to achieve and exhibit as a role model to my children, family and friends.

How can you BE BETTER with JCI? There are 4 ways, and I’ve included some examples of what JCI Winnipeg has offered in the past few years for each category.

  1. Individual Development
    • Effective Speaking seminar, Board Involvement, Networking at the Monthly Mixers
  2. Business Development
    • Negotiations Skills seminar, Spring into Business
  3. Community Development
  4. International Development

In addition to all of that greatness, JCI Winnipeg is launching the first ever French Council to cater to our bilingual members and showcase our francophone presence! The first meeting is Wednesday June 5th, 2013 5pm at CDEM in St B. 2nd floor, 614 des Meurons.

As I stated earlier, JCI Winnipeg is Canada’s oldest chapter celebrating 90 wonderful years!  Our chapter also has the great honour of hosting the Western Regional Conference June 14-16, 2013 right here in Winnipeg!  Here’s the lineup:

June 14: Amazing Leadership Race
June 14: 90’s Social
June 15: Effective Speaking Competition
June 15: Spring into Business
June 15: 90th Anniversary Gala
June 16: Roundtable Breakfast Club

I’m most excited about the Amazing Leadership Race – it’s going to be a blast!

There is still time to register for the conference and be a part of  an amazing event/organization that is doing amazing things! I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of it all!

Still want more information? Like JCI Winnipeg on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or check out our Blog!


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  1. darlene w says:

    Congrats, I have found through the year JCI is a good group to be involved in

  2. Suzie M says:

    Congrats on the award this conference sounds really interesting

  3. Amy G. says:

    Great post and congrats on your award! I will definitely be looking into JCI in the future!

on the 'GRAM

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