August 7, 2013


Family Fun with the Video Star App {Review}

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

Recently, for the first time ever, I took 2 consecutive weeks of vacation from work. Yesterday, I returned to a ridiculous amount of emails and didn’t end up getting home until late in the evening. I was in a bit of a daze and not really up for any excitement.

My oldest daughter was on her iPhone (as per usual) and said, “Mom, come try this new app with me! Let’s make a music video, you just have to lip sync!” Our family is extremely musical, we love to sing, dance and act – definitely something I’d be interested in on a normal day! So, in my after-work daze I figured, sure why not? When my teen asks me to do something fun WITH her, I’m going to take advantage of the opportunity!

The app is called Video Star and it is available for download through the App store for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. It’s super simple to use and a whole lot of fun!

Video Star App welcome

 Step 1: Get your Music – Use the music you already have on your device! or get other music from the iTunes store.

Video Star App choose Music

Step 2: Choose the Song you’d like to use for your music video.

Video Star App Choose Song

Step 3: Select the whole song or a section of the song you’d like to use (example: one verse one chorus)

Video Star App - Song Section

Step 4: Press the Make Video button and choose from a variety of special effects, or make your own!

That’s it! Once your video is all done, you have three options available to you: a) Send to YouTube, b) Email, or c) Save to Camera Roll

Check out what we did (note our awesome rainbow scene and how my son did his own lip syncing):

I loved how much fun it was to use this app and the fact that we put it together so easily in a short period of time was an added bonus!  I seriously can’t wait to make more videos, especially using some of my favorite songs! Heck, I might even throw in a dance number or two hahaha

What did you think of my music video? Have you made your own music video using the Video Star App? Share your link in the comments below, I’d love to check it out!

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  1. Judy Cowan says:

    Now that is a neat app! I can see having some fun with that one, will have to get it and check it out! Thanks for the information about it!

  2. Susan T. says:

    That looks really fun! It would be great for parties too!

  3. mrdisco1 says:

    Now that is so cool

  4. upliftingfam says:

    This sounds like a great app. Thank you for sharing.

  5. That is awesome you all did an awesome job! Never made one but checking it out now 🙂

  6. ashley says:

    that is pretty neat – I haven’t heard about that app; and no, I have never made my own music video

  7. Olfa says:

    This is so so cool!! I will download it!!

  8. Lyne Proulxl says:

    Cool! We are not much of singers at home, so no sure if we would try it, but it looks real sharp. thanks for sharing.

  9. Looks like something my younger cousins would love. Not my cup of tea but definitely looks like some cute fun for teens.

  10. LaQuita says:

    I absolutely LOVE it! This looks like so much fun, you girls did great! This is definitely something I’ll be checking out soon as my daughter and I would have a blast with this, especially if an Usher song is on there!

on the 'GRAM

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