October 15, 2013


Bose OE2i Headphones Music To Your Ears

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

Music.  It’s been a part of my life since before I was born; it’s in my blood. Dad is a well-known musician and music always filled every single space our family lived in. I started singing at age 3 and haven’t stopped.  My first song, the one I took a real liking to, was “You Light Up My Life” by Debby Boone. I remember singing into the microphone while Dad recorded me and I was wearing his big studio-ready headphones that took up my whole head!

Headphones were very large, clunky, and heavy back then in the 70’s, it’s amazing how much technology has evolved. Even now, as I listen to music, earbuds just don’t cut it for me. I find the ones I’ve used constantly fall out, or the left one plays louder than the right, or maybe I’m just too picky? All i know is that when I’m listening to music in my headphones it has to completely envelop my head space, I don’t want any outside interference.

bose 2

Enter the new Bose OE2i Audio Headphones.  I haven’t personally tried them yet, but based on this lil video, I just might have to!

[embedit snippet=”futureshop-bose”]

Bose OE2i headphones prove that you don’t need to put up with heavy and bulky headphones in order to enjoy amazing sound. With full, natural audio, all-day comfort and the convenience of inline control, you’ll discover why Bose headphones look, feel and sound like no other headphones you’ve tried before.

Best features?

  • Lightweight & comfortable
  • Apple device compatibility
  • Powerful & portable

Guess who has a birthday coming up near the end of October?! Just sayin!

Disclosure: This post is sponsored. All opinions shared are honest and mine, all mine.

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  1. Susan T. says:

    These would be so awesome! A really good pair of headphones would be a great gift!

on the 'GRAM

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