March 10, 2015


#DoUsAFlavourCanada and Submit Your Ideas!

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!

Come with me on a journey for a moment…

Think back to your travels within Canada over the past while, whether in the West or the East.

Reminisce about each city, town or attraction you visited.

Do you remember the foods you ate while you were travelling? Do you remember your favourite tastes and flavours? Were there any foods that you ate that were distinctly amazing?

Would any of those flavours be awesome on a potato chip?!

If so, you’re in luck!

Lays DoUsAFlavour ogo

Lay’s, Canada’s favourite potato chip brand, recently announced the return of the Lay’s Do Us a Flavour contest (#DoUsAFlavourCanada). From now until April 22, consumers can submit ideas for the next great potato chip flavour at for a chance to win $50,000 plus one per cent of their flavour’s future sales after the voting period ends.

When I told my oldest teen daughter about this contest, she rattled off numerous flavours she thinks would be perfect. I did NOT agree and I won’t share them here, just in case hahaha! Crazy teenagers!

This year’s contest is a lil different because Lay’s is hoping to capture regions of flavour this time around. I love a lil friendly competition, so I’m hoping folks in Western Canada step up their flavour game! Past Canadian winners include Jalapeño Mac N’ Cheese on Lay’s Wavy by Randall Litman in 2014 and Maple Moose on Lay’s Original by Tyler LeFrense in 2013.

When I think of the places I’ve eaten in my travels across Canada, I already have 5 really good flavour profiles I know would be a hit! I’d really be interested in a wine flavoured chip, just sayin! C’mon, there are lots of vineyards in the Ontario region! No?!

Heck, Winnipeg alone boasts some of the most tantalizing food in the country, so I am optimistic that the folks at Lay’s will have their hands full picking a winner!

In celebration of the nation’s favourite foods and the places that remind us of our yummiest flavour experiences, the Lay’s brand is asking fans to embrace the Tastes of Canada and be inspired by a Canadian region – Western Canada, Ontario, Quebec or Atlantic Canada.

How To Enter

  • Until April 22, 2015 fans can submit their flavour ideas at, by texting the word FLAVOUR to 101010 or by mail.
  • To submit a flavour idea, fans will be asked to provide a flavour name, up to three ingredients, a chip style (Original, Wavy and/or Kettle Cooked), a flavour inspiration (140 characters max) and the Canadian region that inspired their submission. 

Is your mind already overflowing with ideas? Don’t wait! Submit it now!

Not only is the theme new this year but there’s also a fun “social” component. Lay’s is rewarding fans with personalized, sharable videos featuring their flavours. Videos will be customized based on the name, ingredients and region of inspiration.

Fans can also have fun with the microsite’s Flavour Showdown, a fun way to see flavours that have been submitted by Canadians from coast-to-coast and declaring which ones 2 you’d like to eat.

Canadians can select the flavour they like best and click on an I’d Eat That! button. Flavour submissions can also be shared on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Google+ and Instagram (mobile). Get your peeps cheerleadin for ya!

Still need some motivation? Ok, ok, how about a few cool items to get those creative juices flowing?


Win a Lay’s DoUsAFlavourCanada Prize Pack!

#DoUsAFlavourCanada contest

Prize Pack (missing from photo: $25 MEC gift card)

It’s valued at $100 and includes the following items:

  • MEC Field Requisite Bag
  • $25 MEC gift card to inspire your flavour adventures
  • A bag of Lay’s Original Classic
  • Lonely Planet Canada book
  • Canadian flag luggage tag

If that doesn’t get you going, I don’t know what will!


In your honest opinion, what region boasts the best chances of winning this year and why?

PegCityLovely is all about the convo, share your thoughts!

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  1. loucheryl says:

    I always look forward to seeing what flavours people have come up with for Lays. I love sampling all of them. 🙂

  2. Brenda Lacourciere says:

    I think Ontario will win because we have one of the biggest populations out of all the provinces.

  3. Silvia D says:

    i think Ontario because it has the high population.

  4. Doris Calvert says:

    I am from the prairies but think Ontario will win, larger population so more entries

  5. aarone mawdsley says:

    the west coast does BC because we have great taste

  6. Janet P. says:

    I think Quebec may have the best chance due to its original flavours you can find-maple, poutine, and butter tarts to name a few.

  7. M. Archambeau says:

    The west attracts people from all over Canada and new immigrants from around the world. That’s a lot of flavor profiles to choose from, so the west should take it!

  8. Susan J. says:

    I’m hoping for the West which has many regions and the Pacific Ocean for inspirations

  9. Susan Patterson says:

    I think that the West is going to win because we have hit hard times with the oil slump and we deserve some good luck for a change. When the tough times come, the West buckles up and delivers!

  10. kevin snyder says:

    I think the prairies will have the winner

  11. Sherry K says:

    I like southern Ontario because we have so many different kinds of food to eat here – we will have great ideas.

  12. Dwayne Taylor says:

    Ontario, just because of the size and population base.

  13. lisa bolduc says:

    Am gonna say ontario cause I am from here. I have some really go ideas for this year’s flavor

  14. JaimeeM says:

    I think Ontario has the most likely chances of winning, such a huge population compared to the other provinces.

  15. Jeannie says:

    I’m going to have to say Ontario because of it’s size and because of the different ethnic groups in Ontario. They will probably come up with so many different flavours based on different cultures.

  16. lynn clayton says:


  17. lynn clayton says:


  18. lynn clayton says:


  19. David Gibb says:

    Ontario is going to win

  20. ginette4 says:

    I believe Ontario is going to win, we have amazing restaurants, chefs and great foodies in this province

  21. maria says:

    I will say Quebec. They have poutine and maple syrup. Even if you combined those 2 you would get something sweet and savoury that a lot of ppl would enjoy.

  22. Jodi Mitrovic says:

    I think Ontario has the best chance of winning because we have great tastes, local foods and ideas!

  23. Erika E says:

    I think Ontario has the best chance. There are lots of people with good ideas coming out of that region.

  24. Brenda Penton says:

    I think it would be Ontario. I’ve seen a lot of entries from this area, and a lot of great flavours. I think Ontario is probably the most culturally diverse province also so that would inspire a lot of flavours.

  25. Nicole Jubleew says:

    I think Ontario has the best chance of winning since we have some awesome local products that will work well as yummy chip flavours.

  26. Tina L. says:

    Ontario because they have a larger population so they have a higher odds.

  27. Lee-Ann says:

    I am thinking Alberta as the best recipe will ultimately come from there…because it’s going to be mine!

  28. andrea amy says:

    probably ontario because they have the largest population so there is just a greater chance for them, not because they have better flavours, just better numbers

  29. Jenn says:

    I am thinking Ontario will win because they are so diverse and are always coming up with great food ideas.

  30. Rebby says:

    I think Quebec has the best chances of winning!! They have Maple Syrup, poutine, LaFluers hotdogs and tourtiere!

  31. Patricia says:

    I think BC would win because they have amazing local foods, so much choice!

  32. stacy k says:

    i think someone from Ontario would win- they have the population and seem to win everything lol

  33. stacy k says:

    Ontario- they have the population and win everything lol

  34. suzi says:

    I’m thinking Ontario because we have the highest population BUT if they pro-rate based on population then I think that Nova Scotia or Newfoundland have a real shot because Easterners are so supportive of each other!

  35. janice Lynds says:

    I feel Western Canada will win as there is such diversity in all of these provinces.

  36. Treen Goodwin says:

    I think Atlantic Canada will with all the great ideas and seafood to use for an example i did creamed lobster on Mash , sounds yummy to me 🙂

  37. Judy Cowan says:

    I would have to say someone in Ontario because that is where I live and I would like to think that we have some really good food and some great ideas for new chip flavours!

  38. nicolthepickle says:

    I think Atlantic Canada. They have such good flavours and cooks here. I can see fish and maple…not together.

  39. Jenny says:

    Someone in Ontario due to the population

  40. Nicole B says:

    I’d say Ontario has the best chance because it has such a mix of cultures and culinary influences here.

  41. Amy C says:

    Somebody from Ontario has the best chance of winning because their is so many more people in Ontario.

  42. Tracy D says:

    I think it will be ontario, a large and diverse population.

  43. Angela Mitchell says:

    I’ll have to say the Western Region. There is such variety to choose from!

  44. Josh S says:

    The West! I have to root for my home territory!

  45. Belinda McNabb says:

    I think it will be Ontario. There is such a diversity of people and cuisines to spice things up and keep them interesting

  46. heidi c. says:

    I suspect Ontario will win but maybe our little Atlantic provinces may sneak out ahead :).

  47. Karla Sceviour says:

    I am going to say the Atlantic will win. A lot of great unique ideas and flavor combinations come from the Atlantic provinces.

  48. stacey h says:

    probably quebec, they have unique flavour combos. i am partial to winnipeg though, let the prairies win!

  49. Tracy Morin says:

    I think Western Canada. Specifically Winnipeg. We have the most resteraunts per capita in Canada…need I say more. We know how to cook and eat. We have great Festivals year round that also inspire our creativity.

  50. Lisa says:

    This is hard but I think Ontario is going to win this year because they have a lot of resources (such a beavers, maple, fresh corn, etc… ) to create many different dishes

  51. Karry Knisley says:

    I believe Quebec has a good chance of winning. They have so many unique food items that would make awesome chip flavors

  52. Rhonda W G. says:

    That s a hard one but I’d say Ontario…We are deverse and I can think of a few good options with the sweetness of maple syrup.

  53. lori3kids says:

    Probably Quebec has the best chance of winning… they have great flavour combos.

  54. janice Cournoyer says:

    I would have to say Pâté Chinois in Quebec City, but Beaver Tails are a close second.

  55. Florence C says:

    I think Atlantic Canada. Maybe calamari, scallop, lobster, crab or shrimp with a butter garlic flavour.

  56. Jonnie says:

    I think Quebec has the best chance purely based on poutine!

  57. jan says:

    The Western Region should step up it up with more seafood inspired from the coast or meat/game from the interior region.

  58. anna key says:

    I think that Quebec will win because of all the unique dishes they have there that would make a great chip!

  59. Melissa says:

    Oh and yes, I’d say Ontario!! When one person is bringing their A game, another is AAA’n!!!

  60. Melissa says:

    Love me some Lays!!!! And giveaways are awesome too!!

  61. ivy pluchinsky says:

    I am guessing Atlantic Canada, they really do have some good food there, lots of seafood options.

  62. Lori Jackson says:

    Im thinking Ontario! For the simple fact that the population is higher. But dont count the Atlantic side out! The fisherman will come up with some unusual flavours!

  63. Toby says:

    Ontario! So much hustle and bustle, they have to keep finding new tastes for restaurant dishes to keep things exciting! I say the winning flavor will come from there!

  64. kelly young says:

    i think ontario some good food there

  65. Dream24 says:

    I’m thinking Atlantic Canada because they have such awesome seafood varieties, plus I’m partial to all the East coast food (mmmm mussels and lobsters). Oooo maybe clam bake chips!

  66. Kerri says:

    Quebec! We try to emulate Quebec’s many specialties [of course, the most notable would be poutine!] all over the country… I bet there are some hidden gems many of us prairie folk don’t even know about ;).

  67. joy says:

    Atlantic Canada has a great chance of winning as they have so many varied and distinct flavours! Cod tongue perhaps? Or Clam Strips? Or Lobster Bisque? So many yummy tastes from the East coast!

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