May 11, 2015


#MondayAMMusings Life in the Fast Lane #vlog #Winnipeg

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

#MondayAMMusings Episode 27 Summary

Always on the go. Always madness. Always fun. Always me.

Lovely Happenings

Upcoming Events

  • May long weekend family road trip!
  • Marvel Universe Live in Winnipeg – ticket giveaway to follow
  • KidsFest in Winnipeg at the Forks – ticket giveaway to follow

Upcoming Contests

  • National Photo Contest – waiting for prizing details
  • US only Instagram contest

Weekly Quote

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” –Maya Angelou

PegCityLovely is all about the convo - let your thoughts be known!

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  1. Lana Hood says:

    Thanks for encapsulating all the great events available to us. I was not chosen to attend TEDX this year 🙁 but will try again next year – enjoy!

  2. Judy Cowan says:

    Busy, busy week for you by the sounds of it! Have a great long weekend!

on the 'GRAM

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