November 30, 2015


Let’s Stop #Dietainment From Influencing Our Children

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!

Do you consider Dietainment an issue?

I do, and we have a long way to go to #StopDietainment. It takes many voices, a lot of awareness, and a strong will on behalf of the various types of media to change.

After I wrote about urging you to sign the petition earlier last month, I decided to be more vigilant at recognizing dietainment in my daughters’ world, and to do that, I put my “teenage girl” lenses on.

Unfortunately, not only did I find dietainment, I found large quantities of it in different ways. Let’s not even discuss the lack of diversity as well, that’s a whole different post!


I took a little extra time during my last grocery visit to flip through the magazines I know my daughters might pick up. I didn’t need to take pictures of each instance because I might as well have just posted a screenshot of nearly every page in the various magazines.

This particular picture above caught my eye, why? Well, I looked at a few things:

  • The models – very slim
  • The vocabulary – sexy, slinky, boudoir
  • The message – This type of clothing on this type of body has a sexual nature

It also says to bring a little boudoir to the boardroom. Um, excuse me? I’d love to know how many women would wear these dresses into a boardroom! I know I couldn’t/wouldn’t…

[Tweet “Looking for ways to #StopDietainment from reaching your kids? Visit #Dietainment”]

I love that Multi-Grain Cheerios has launched this campaign, and can you guess what I love even more? The fact that my daughter recognizes what dietainment is and she couldn’t care less about it. Here’s what my amazing 14 year old had to say, verbatim:

“The photoshopped pictures of girls in general disgusts me because the same “people” who say to be yourself and not to worry about what other people think, are the same ones doing the photoshopping. The diet ads? Total scam. Those companies don’t care about how women actually feel about their bodies. If they did, those companies wouldn’t exist and we would only see pictures of fruits and veggies!”

Yep, that’s MY child and she couldn’t wait to give me a quote for this post!

As stated earlier, it’s important to share the awareness and education first, then all of us lifting our voices will help the media to change their ways!

Have you signed the petition yet? Now is your chance, click on the link and make a difference!

**Disclosure: This post was generously supported by Multi-Grain Cheerios. The opinions expressed are mine, all mine!**

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  1. L. Hood says:

    Such an important issue….

  2. Judy Cowan says:

    I did sign the petition. Dietainment is a major issues and one that needs to be addressed.

  3. Cheryl says:

    I signed the petition!! I try and just tell our kids to eat healthy and be happy 🙂

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