November 27, 2015


Why I Took A Much Needed TimeOut

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!

Tired. Overwhelmed. Stressed. Sick. Non-Stop. Busy.

These are the words to describe me in my life over the past few months.

Maid. Chef. Chauffeur. Servant.

These are a few of the titles to describe my roles over the past few months.


This is the word that that hit me square in the jaw last week. Enough. I had had enough. TIMEOUT!

Enough of the routine, enough of the work schedule, enough of the same old cleaning and chores, enough of doing everything for everyone but myself.

So, what did I do? I did something quite impulsive (which is very difficult for me). I thought to myself, I work hard to pay bills, why not pay myself with a lil relaxation for a weekend.

The catch? To enjoy the weekend guilt-free.

I booked a mini staycation for myself at Inn at the Forks in downtown Winnipeg, complete with a spa day!

Even as I slowly told the reservations agent my credit card number, many thoughts kept creeping into my head:

“Maybe I should only book one night not two…”

“This is money I could have used to pay down the line of credit”

“Will J sleep without me? Will he be sad that I’m gone?”

“Oh gosh, will they clean the kitchen properly?”

Seriously. These were only some of my thoughts! Why? Why do I think I can’t do nice things for myself?

Aaaanyhoooo, I hung up that phone and I had the biggest grin, hence the pic:

I arrived at the hotel around 8pm, ordered room service and told my brain to shut up. A king size bed all to myself and I still woke up at 4am and again at 7am. I had to tell myself not to get up, to just lay there and enjoy the silence. I picked up my Kobo and continued to read Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg.

After spending quality time reading, having more room service, getting a glorious massage and a surprisingly wonderful pedicure, I felt like “me” again. I was ready for a romantic dinner date with my fiance.

But first…

Yea, I had a little too much fun with that iPhone tripod hahaha. Whatever! I had a blast!

Why all of this just to get some elusive “me time”? Gosh knows, I can’t be having staycations every weekend, that would be quite costly.

It seems to be a cyclical process actually. I do something for myself for maybe one day and then back to the same old predictable habits while deep down I crave spontaneity.

Yes, I know have children, yes, I know have a beautiful home with a loving fiance, yes, I know I have a great job in my field etc and I am very blessed. I also worked hard to achieve them.

However, if I don’t take care of me, if I don’t start taking time to enjoy Natalie and who she is, if I don’t take a breather more often than not…I won’t be able to be present for my children or fiance, home and job etc.

A member of my family and an amazing woman, Mary Ann Blair posted this saying thing the other day and it resonated with me:

We are human BEings, not human DOings.

I am constantly DOing…BEing? Not so much. That’s gotta change. The only person who can change it, is me.

This lil solo getaway won’t be my last and I also won’t wait too long until the next one!

In the meantime, I’ve booked another massage, carved out some time for me to head to the mall, library, my first yoga class and much more! One day at a time, one hour at a time.

Am I alone in this? I don’t think so and I’d love to hear from you.

Do you take self-imposed timeouts? If so, how do you spend them and why are they important to you?

PegCityLovely is all about the convo, share your thoughts!

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  1. Judy Cowan says:

    Good for you for taking a time out. It is important for us to take care of ourselves too.

  2. Toks says:

    This is such a timely read for me! I just booked an extended business trip away and felt so guilty at the ‘extended’ part. All the questions- even though Hubby will be home with the children- won’t they feel sad I left without them? Don’t they all need a vacation as well? Am I being selfish? It was hard to click that ‘confirm’ button!
    Now I am soooo looking forward to it, to return refreshed and rejuvenated- talk about finishing the year with a bang! Great post!

  3. Paula H says:

    I totally get the feeling guilty part! I ALWAYS feel this way. Have to say, you certainly took a much needed time out in style!

  4. Cheryl says:

    I dont take time outs 🙁 With 3 kids and a husband that works long hours it is hard 🙁

  5. Momsiecle says:

    Unfortunately, it has been, umm, giah, cannot even recall when was tbe last time that I had a “me time.” You’re right, we have to take care of “me” to be able to be there for our family or perform our other responsibilities…

  6. Julie R. says:

    I have 3 teenagers all with mental health conditions. Not many time outs here. Hope you have a nice weekend 🙂

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