February 9, 2016


3 Awesome Features of Sobeys Extra in #Winnipeg #Giveaway

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!

A couple of weeks ago, a new format of grocery shopping called Sobeys Extra arrived in Winnipeg.  Not only does this new store offer a different shopping experience, it also offers an environment of fresher food options and educational opportunities.

Sobeys Extra Winnipeg Pembina

First impressions walking through the door? Wow! It’s “extra” in size alone never-mind all of the various features.

Cleanliness and fully stocked shelves were welcoming characteristics as I meandered through the various departments.

Insert caveat here:  It was Grand Opening weekend when I attended so I knew it would be shiny and new throughout; however, I have to say, the Sobeys in my own neighbourhood (Sage Creek) has been open almost a year and is just as clean as when it opened!

Words alone won’t help you to grasp all of my observations that day, so how about I share with you some of the pictures I took on my visit?


Fresh market with a living wall of greens and unique discoveries.



Huge cheese department with Canadian and specialty cheeses. Massive olive bar!



Hand rolled daily by the in-store Sushi chef



Delectable showcase of cakes, cupcakes and treats



Lots of variety from the fresh marinated meat or fresh seafood counter.



Wide range of bulk snacks, ethnic cuisine options, and large visually appealing displays of new products.


There are 3 areas in this store that are my personal favourites, but let me share a couple of honourable mentions first:

  1. The floral department was very enticing, it is huge, bright and inviting!
  2. The Pet department made me want to run out and buy a pet. So many options!

SobeysExtraFloral WinnipegSobeysExtraPet WinnipegFabulous right? Now for my 3 faves:


Folks, this is one of the biggest natural, organic, conscious sections I’ve ever seen in a traditional grocery store (other than a standalone health food store). I seriously needed a ladder and a wide angle lens to capture it all. Typically most stores only dedicate one aisle to a few gluten free or organic products, so this section was my absolute favourite!

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There is an in-store wellbeing counsellor who gives shoppers advice on health related issues such as fatigue, managing cholesterol, living with diabetes, how to create a sodium-free diet and much more!

SobeysExtraWellbeing Winnipeg


This is the one feature I really wish was at my neighbourhood Sobeys. I met Sydney the coordinator who advised that there would be many great events coming soon, such as cooking classes. It’s not only where the Executive In-Store Chef will have cooking demonstrations in the gourmet kitchen, it also has plenty of room and seating for meetings, special events and celebrations. As an example, you could book your child’s next birthday party there! In addition to making their own pizza or ice cream sundae, the birthday child gets a delicious birthday cake and refreshments are provided, plus, everyone gets a treat bag to take home! Isn’t that wonderful? They take care of all of the details and the clean up!

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Who doesn’t love a giveaway, especially one that involves groceries?

This one’s just for my Winnipeg peeps though!

One winner will receive a $50 Sobeys gift card. Enter below!

**Disclosure: The author has received consideration from Sobeys’ media partners in exchange for this content. Sobeys has not reviewed these claims and is not responsible for the content.**

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  1. Dee Schwark says:

    The Sushi spot, the well being center and natural source, but ohhhh so many more 🙂 Can you say olives??? love that too 🙂

  2. Amy C says:

    1. CHEESE & DELI

  3. lynn clayton says:

    love love the pet section

  4. lori b says:

    the product section for me, the high cost of it right now is crazy, I love being able to go and shop for the best product available

  5. Rhonda W G. says:

    I like a great flower section, ethnic section and a great produce selection too…This Sobeys looks amazing!

  6. Glogirl says:

    The community room, the bakery and the noodle/rice features appeal to me.

  7. Amy Heffernan says:

    The community room! 🙂 AWESOME!

  8. heidi c. says:

    The Sushi/ Rice & Noodles, the Pet section and the Well being centre all caught my eye.

  9. Tina L. says:

    I like the huge bulk food, natural source and community room.

  10. Colleen Rose says:

    The produce section is most important to me ,

  11. Nate Fuller says:

    I like the sushi spot, the well being center and the floral department! We don’t have sushi or a whole floral area at the one near me.

  12. Tracy D says:

    The well being centre is great! I love a great pet department and floral department as well. Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Jonnie says:

    I love that they have a large bulk section, the pet section and the community room!

  14. Suzie M says:

    I like the wellbeing counseller, the natural source area & the produce area

  15. Brenda Penton says:

    I like the grocery section (loving the bulk section there!), the pet department, and the bakery.

  16. Pam says:

    I would be eager to check out the pet department.
    My other two favourites would be the community room ( I would love to take some cooking classes)
    and the bakery. I like to get a special treat each weekend.

  17. ivy pluchinsky says:

    I like the pet section, the sushi section and the produce section, wow this place looks awesome and i can’t wait to go shopping there

  18. Sarah R says:

    I love the bakery, sushi and can’t wait to try classes in the community room!

  19. Jackie says:

    I love the cheese selections, fresh seafood, and the sushi bar at the new Sobeys Extra.

  20. Suzanne G says:

    I like theSushi/ Rice & Noodles and the Pet and the Floral Departments.

  21. stacey h says:

    the natural source area, the produce, and just the general flow of the area. i work in that area and really need to stop by to the new sobeys soon.

  22. Treen Goodwin says:

    The pet section , produce and the deli , i love shopping at sobeys , thanks for the chance 🙂

  23. Natasha Kravtsov says:

    The wellness area looks great

  24. Nicole says:

    Natural source, produce and sushi

  25. Tracy Morin says:

    Sushi, pet section and Natural Source section

  26. Brittany Hiebert says:

    Produce, the international aisle and the bakery

  27. Tammy Dalley says:

    I love the bakery!

  28. Carla B says:

    I love the idea of the Community Room, and I would definitely spend a bunch of time in the pet section and the bulk section.

  29. Ashley says:

    That HUGE pet area, the beautiful cakes counter, and the in-house sushi sound awesome!

  30. Lisa H says:

    I like the features of an in-store sushi chef who makes sushi daily, olive bar and the HUGE seafood area.

  31. Lindsay says:

    Wow!!! My family thought the Sage Creek Sobeys was impressive but this looks even better! I’m looking forward to getting over there and checking it out…..especially the rice and noodle bar.

    • Lindsay says:

      Sorry!! Hit the wrong button. I look forward to checking out the sushi and rice bar, the cheese department and the pet section. The community room is a great idea too.

  32. Julie R. says:

    The Wellbeing section looks like a good place to discover more about your health & self…The Community Room is a great feature too! I’d love to try a cooking class. Oooh also the veggie walls are pretty cool. I haven’t gone there yet, thanks for sharing this!

  33. Sheri says:

    I like the pet dept, sushi and cheese sections

  34. Jenness M says:

    I like the natural source area, the cheese dept and fresh seafood counter!

  35. Belinda McNabb says:

    I very much like the deli, the community room and natural source area

  36. leigh Nash says:

    The 3 sections that appeal to me the most are the deli counter, the community room and the oh the cheese… god bless the cheese section! Thanks for the great review on the store!

  37. Joan Brown says:

    The 3 features that appeal to me the most are the deli section , the fresh produce and the bakery. It’s a huge store, I actually wish it wasn’t so large.

  38. Carol M says:

    The Nooldes/Shushi and Rice, the bakery and the Natural Source

  39. Leslie Sidley says:

    Super excited for the natural section, the family room, and All The Cheese!

    Bummed that we moved out of this neighborhood right before they opened, but we will make the drive to check it out!

  40. Lana H says:

    I like the Pet Dept., Natural Source area and Community Room.

  41. Stacy k says:

    The 3 sections that appeal to me the most are the deli, community room and the bakery- who can resist a bakery

  42. Heidi M says:

    A Feast for the Senses in a panorama of a Fresh Market appeal.

    – I love the Produce Department with its vast walls of brightly colored & appealing veggies & fruits. A gastronomical delight in store for the cook ahead with a variety & tons of choices of produce.

    -The Bakery Department with its heavenly scents of fresh baked goods from breads, specialty cakes, savoury baked items & more.

    – Love the Natural Source Organic department that offers those consumers the choice in grocery items from gluten free, organic or free trade items but with a hugely expanded area offering more.

    Thanks for the beautiful pictures & write-up of the new Sobey’s Extra store.

  43. David Swim says:

    I live near by and this store was much needed in the area. Ive been there a few times already. Love the store and staff! As for 3 most appealing features thats a tough one but Ill go with the produce, meat and seafood and bulk food. We cook a lot of different ethnic foods and their variety is outstanding. Thanks.

  44. Paula R says:

    I like shopping at Sobeys, I li meat department and the produce and the selection. Not crazy about the layout of the Sage Creek store though

  45. Lori n. says:

    I mentioned the Produce section as being the most important to me. The other two are the Olive bar in the cheese and deli section and the sushi noodle and rice bar too, for a great convenience meal for my busy family. my internet is acting up today!

  46. Lori n. says:

    I love the beautiful expanded fresh produce section with lots of choices and lots of variety. And I hope that Sobeys sticks to it’s idea of making fresh produce more affordable over the long run because that is so important to me.

  47. Toby says:

    All 3 are wonderful, but having to choose one, it would have to be the Natural Source. Soooo important what we put into our bodies nowadays, this would be simply a great place to shop!

    • Toby says:

      Correction…Natural Source, Pet Department, and the Cheese & Deli, especialling knowing they have a massive olive bar! 🙂

  48. Suzi says:

    The variety of bulk foods available, the well being centre and the community roon!

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