March 22, 2016


Celebrate #WorldWaterDay Every Day #EveryDropCounts

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

water droplets


What comes to mind when you think of water?

I automatically think: necessity and nourishment.

[Tweet “DID YOU KNOW? 1 in 10 people worldwide lack access to clean water. #EveryDropCounts”]

With a statistic like that, we need to find ways to ensure we are conserving each drop of water.


I used to be that person, the one who would let the faucet run while brushing my teeth. That simple gesture wastes a ridiculous amount of water. After reviewing the research, I was appalled at how much water I was wasting just me by myself! As a role model for my children, I needed to change that habit immediately.

And now…

our household saving

It all starts at home folks!

Here is a list of more ways you can save water in your own household:

* When washing dishes, don’t leave the water running to rinse! (I’m very bad for this too)
* Check your toilets, faucets, hoses and pipes for leaks and plug them ASAP!
* In summer time, water the grass, not the sidewalk!
* Your toilet is a toilet, not a garbage can, don’t waste additional litres of water unnecessarily!
* Steam your veggies by using enough water to cover them with a tight fitting lid. You will get more nutrients from steamed vegetables!
* Consistently check your water meter from month to month, drastic changes should be looked at immediately.

Are you looking to purchase a new toilet? Local municipalities have a variety of water conservation programs for residential homes. We have a toilet replacement credit program right here in Winnipeg!

Perhaps you need new faucets for your home? Look for products that carry the WaterSense label. it will help you identify water efficient items. There is information all around us and easily accessible, use it to your benefit.

We have a duty to conserve for our future generations, and while we may not be able to make grand gestures to do so, if everyone could follow these easy tips, we would be well on our way!

Join me and take the pledge today to make every drop count!

**Disclosure: Please note that this post was sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive; however, the opinions and feedback are mine, all mine!**

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