November 17, 2016


Announcement: I Am A #WEFamilies Ambassador!

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

For 3 years I have been attending WE Day in Winnipeg, and this year I had the opportunity to take my 15 year old daughter along and experience the event from behind the scenes. The inspirational stories  of local and global kids making a difference around the globe is very motivating and I want our family to have a much bigger role in the change we want to see in the world!

That’s why I’m super proud to announce that I am a #WEFamilies Ambassador!

What does this mean?

It means we will take a more intentional approach to social responsibility as a family.

Whether it’s volunteering, starting a fundraiser, connecting with our community or sharing easy ways for those around us to make a difference, we will be doing it together!

I know that my parents did not raise me in vain, they raised me to #DoGood in this world and as such I want my children to be empowered to do the same.

Stay tuned as I will be sharing all that we do on the blog and through my social media channels!

PegCityLovely is all about the convo - let your thoughts be known!

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  1. kathy downey says:

    Congratulations to you on your new adventure,enjoy !

  2. Lori n. says:

    Congratulations on your “appointment”! You will be great!

  3. Krista M says:

    A couple years ago my daughter was invited to attend We Day through her leadership class at school in Calgary. She had the best time & it was uplifting & inspiring. She is looking forward to being able to attend again in the future!

  4. jan says:

    Congratulations. Puts even more meaning into it.

  5. Cheryl MacPhail says:

    This is such a great event!! I can’t wait till our girls are old enough to go!! 🙂

  6. Jill K says:

    My 15 year old daughter went to India with Me to We and Free The Children last summer. She enjoyed meeting new friends and helping with all the projects there.

on the 'GRAM

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