October 13, 2017


PegCityBiz Series Podcast: Flourish Into You

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

PegCityChat with Nat PegCityBiz Series

It’s amazing who you can meet in the streets of Winnipeg, and how your life has new perspective afterwards.

Months ago, I was out and about for lunch at one of my favourite spots, Beet Happening. As I was approaching the counter to pay, a woman stopped and asked me if I was PegCityLovely. She introduced herself as Crystal from Flourish Into You and the rest is history.

Crystal and I had been connected on Instagram and have now met in person, most recently chatting about life and our businesses over lunch. I just knew I had to interview her and share what she does with all of you!

Flourish Into You is a life coaching service for women that primarily focuses on weight gain, self love, emotional eating and more.

Have a listen to our interview:

Listen to “PegCityBiz Series: Flourish Into You” on Spreaker.

Crystal will be co-facilitating a body image workshop called Diet Culture Dropouts with Teri Hofford on Sat Oct 28, 2017.

I’m so happy to have had Crystal as a guest on PegCityChat with Nat and look forward future episodes to talk more in depth about the awesome services she provides.

Please be sure to follow her and show her some love!

Website: Flourish Into You

Instagram: @flourishintoyou

Facebook: FlourishIntoYou


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