January 3, 2019


Letting It ALL Hang Out

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!


See how crusty my face looks on the left? It’s because I’m sucking in my gut.

See how happy I am on the right? It’s because I’m letting my lil paunch hang out…ALL OUT.

Listen. The flat tummy midriff days are not in my future and I am quite alright with that, wanna know why?
Cuz this 43yr old body has given birth to 3 children which has resulted in extra skin AND I do my best to have a healthy lifestyle.

When I wake in the morning, my tummy appears flat but as the day progresses, no matter what I eat, that paunch expands.

Hormones affect it, stress affects it, the food I consume affects it – it’s constant work and for what? Optics? Appearances? Approval? From who?

I am still loved regardless of my “food baby” or “gas baby” cuz at the end of the day I’m still ME – crazy, energetic, positive vibe-havin NATALIE.

You BETTA recognize! LOL (ok that was a bit much but you’re picking up what I’m putting down right?) Anyhoo – do you, be you, love you, cuz there’s no other you…ok?

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