I’m not even sure anymore.
I feel like I’ve done exactly what I said I wasn’t going to do, which is make the HR side of my biz take up the majority of my time vs the content creation.
And yet here we are.
Human Resources has been such a large part of my life, 23 years! It’s a part of me, it runs through my veins and it’s hard to pause it.
But I think I have to, before I resent it.
In July 2022, I became fully self-employed with the goal of having my own People & Culture consultancy in addition to continuing with my decade long content creation at PegCityLovely. I am an entrepreneur!
Since then, I have taught at the University of Winnipeg, taken on several ongoing HR clients, and dabbled in some content creation. All of which I love. However, the urge in my soul is to focus solely on content creation, as it’s my happiest place. And quite lucrative!
For the first time, I can devote myself to it, not just do it off the side of my desk as time permits. So why am I still stuck? Fear? Of what? It’s proven to me to be successful doing it 10% of the time, so I can just imagine 100%!
As I travel over the next while, time is set aside for me to reevaluate my goals, and ensure that no matter what I’m doing I am aligned with my purpose of connection and community.
Stay tuned for the journey y’all!
Do you need a break? From what?