January 5, 2024


Past, Future, or Right Here?

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!
Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?
Bloganuary Day 5

Beautiful People! We’re rolling into Day 5 of Bloganuary and today’s got me thinking: do I hang out more in the past or am I constantly daydreaming about the future? It’s quite the question, isn’t it?

Let’s be real, the past is comfy, familiar and full of memories. I look back at the ups and downs, the laughs and the tears. Each memory, sweet or bitter, or bittersweet has been an important part of my life. For example, losing my mom – that was tough, but it taught me so much about strength and cherishing moments. I don’t live in the past, but I sure learn from it. It’s all about taking those lessons and using them to guide my days.

And the future? Oh, it’s like a mystery novel I can’t put down. Being in this crazy world of content creation, and as an entrepreneur, thinking about what’s next is part of the game. I dream, I plan, but hey, I try not to get lost in the ‘what could be’s.’ Life’s too unpredictable for that. I do my best to strike a balance – having dreams to chase but not missing out on today while I’m at it.

That brings me to the good stuff – the here and now. My mantra? Learn from yesterday, have hopes for tomorrow, but rock today like it’s the best day ever. Live, love, laugh, and make each moment count.

So, am I a past thinker or a future dreamer? I guess I’m a bit of both, but really, I’m do love to soak up the present. It’s this mix that keeps me on my toes, grateful, and excited for this life of mine.

I’m curious about you – are you team past, team future, or team today? Drop your thoughts in the comments and share!

Thanks for reading and following along!

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