August 24, 2012


Return of the Zombie Mom

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

The past few weeks since my last post have been a bit of a blur! I don’t recall getting much sleep with my 4 month old son eating every 2 hours. I think I average 3 hours per day/night! Wild eh?
I have an overwhelming amount of blog post ideas in my head as well as several blog posts in various stages of editing. I am not achieving my weekly goal for my blog and it’s driving me a little batty!
I’m a mom first and foremost but at the same token, this blog is my other baby, my little getaway, my Natalie time, my portal to connecting with other like minded folks, my online social opportunity! It gets me fired up (in a good way of course)!
So what do I do? Well I take it one day at a time, this post was written using my iPod touch while lying in bed with my son. Soon I’ll be able to get on my laptop and churn out some hopefully engaging and visually appealing content but for right now I shall leave you with this lil diddy! Time to go catch a few zzz’s before feeding time again.
Drowsily yours,

I’d love your feedback on great ways to organize blogs, plan posts and time management tools/resources.


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  1. Rosey says:

    Aww…what a sweet picture. I can totally relate to no sleep. It just makes it that much sweeter though, when we do finally get some rest. 🙂

  2. Melz Bellz says:

    I think us moms work best as zombies haha, Go go go!! It's what we know! It's just how we're wired, i think.
    Coming from a mom of one, I think ur doin the damn thang! Keep it up,
    you'll bounce back in no time..Motivation is key! And I look forward to these posts..juss sayin 🙂

on the 'GRAM

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