August 28, 2012


Showing off my new Blog Makeover in T-minus 4 days!

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

Blog Makeover Update

It’s time for a blog makeover! When I first launched my blog just over a month ago, I was pretty happy with the look, after all I did it all by myself!  However, let’s be real, I’m not a designer and I want to focus primarily on content and engagement.  I kept feeling the need to make changes visually to reflect who I am, my personality, and I knew I had to get an expert to help me.

After some review and research I kept going back to the same site, Mommy Blog Designs, there was just something about her simplicity and approachability that made me want to work with her on my blog makeover (it helps that she’s a former “Pegger too).  I went to her site and we started chatting through ClickDesk (which is totally cool by the way) and here we are, just a few days away from my re-launch!  Ro’s been amazing to work with, just as I envisioned she would be.

To top it all off, I am showing my appreciation to new and returning visitors by hosting a lil giveaway from Sept 1 to Sept 9 – be sure to come back and check it out!  I truly believe in investing things that are worthwhile and you know what?, my blog is totally worth it.

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