March 3, 2015


Stick to Those New Years Resolutions #Giveaway

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

Remember how we chatted about New Years Resolutions a couple of months ago? Well, I recall letting you know that I don’t really have a list of resolutions but rather a word to describe my intentions for 2015.

If you made a list of New Years resolutions, how’s it going? Are you on track? If so, woohoo, way to go!

If not, what took you off the rails?

It’s only March so there is plenty of time to right size the ship. Let’s keep each other accountable!

There are a variety of tools and resources to help get you back on track. Make sure you have a few cheerleaders in your corner to help you reach your goals too.

As you may know March is Nutrition month and part of my personal 2015 intention is to elevate my health. How will I do that?

  1. I’ll start with really focusing on what types of foods I put into my body as well as the frequency.
  2. I am putting a more concerted effort into making sure I participate in some sort of daily physical activity.
  3. Making sure I am realistic with what I’d like to see as an end result.

Sound good? I think so!

I have a few items that just might help you with your goals for this year.

CandD Prize Pack


The folks over at Church & Dwight have come up with a New Year’s Resolution Reminder Prize Pack!

It includes the following products (Value $50):

There are items for everyone in the family!

You know the drill, just enter below, and I wish you the best of luck!

What helps you stay on top of your healthy goals? What tools and resources do you use?

Disclosure: I received products as part of the Church & Dwight Ambassador Program however, the opinions expressed are mine, all mine!




PegCityLovely is all about the convo - let your thoughts be known!

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  1. Erika E says:

    My family helps me stick to my goals. It’s easier to stay on track when I get their encouragement.

  2. Sean Pynaert says:

    I use my Nike Plus watch and it really helps track my distance and splits.

  3. Ken C says:

    A running journal for my wife and I and occasional races.

  4. seham merzib says:

    a journal to keep track of what I’ve eaten

  5. Treen Goodwin says:

    My Hubby and my Gearfit help me to stay on track 🙂 thanks for the chance 🙂

  6. Karry Knisley says:

    My friends help me stay on top of my goals. I have a fit hit that hkeeps track of movement, caloric intake etc. It keeps me on my toes

  7. maria says:

    Friends-we usually try to work out together either by going to the gym or going for walks.

  8. Belinda McNabb says:

    what keeps me on top of my goals are my friends. We do it together!

  9. Wanda Bergman says:

    I like my FitBit and my SparkPeople website.

  10. Tina L. says:

    I keep track of my progress.

  11. Jenny says:

    I am trying to lose a bit of weight, and myfitnesspal app helps me out with that.

  12. Nate Fuller says:

    i do a weekly meal plan i find that helps me stay on track with my nutrition.

  13. Lisa says:

    I’ve been trying to drink more water and having a water bottle with me everywhere is really helping. Also, adding fresh fruit in my water helps too.

  14. Jeannie says:

    I am currently using the Fitness Pal app to help me stick with my goal and make me more aware of what I”m eating.

  15. Susan Patterson says:

    I keep reminding myself that to feel better, I have to keep my New Years Resolution- thanks!

  16. SueSueper says:

    Making absolute rules helps me stay on top of my goals. Certain foods are only for weekends. This helps so there are no questions as to whether or not I should or shouldn’t.

    I don’t use tools.

  17. Paula R says:

    I wish I could stick to my resolutions, I am trying

  18. Dreena says:

    I’m off-track at the moment! But, that being said, my friends encourage me. I also use the internet for resources on healthy eating.

  19. aarone mawdsley says:

    i use a calendar to keep track

  20. Jodi Mitrovic says:

    I am motivated to return to my body prior to the birth of my first son. It’s a struggle daily but I find motivation from my husband who works out with me.

  21. stacy k says:

    The app myfitness pal helps and workinf towards the same goal with the hubby

  22. Angela Mitchell says:

    My mom and husband both help with encouragement, ideas, and company.

  23. Glogirl says:

    Helping me stay on top of my goals is looking ahead to accomplishing the goal and how I will feel reaching my goal. For example, one of my resolutions was to reduce my sugar intake. By looking forward to better health and maybe some weight loss, it helps to motivate me.

  24. Karla Sceviour says:

    I dont really sue any tools or resources,,only my own self, I try to keep myself on track.

  25. ivy pluchinsky says:

    my sister helps keep me on track

  26. Heidi c. says:

    My kids keep me accountable. They are great daggers, I mean encouragers, when it comes to making sure Mommy stays active and eats properly.

  27. SUMMER PLEWES says:

    It is really just willpower for me to stay on top of goals. I do not use any tools or anything like that but I do see some really good apps out there that count calories and monitor your exercise.

  28. Florence C says:

    I do some walking to keep on track.

  29. Judy Cowan says:

    Right now nothing, but I do need to get back to keeping track of my diet and exercise. I did that before and it really helped me to stay focused.

  30. Amy C says:

    I stay on track by making short term goals.

  31. Birdiebee says:

    I subscribe using email birdiebee2015 (at) gmail (dot) com

  32. Birdiebee says:

    My doctor help me keep on top of my health.

  33. Toby says:

    Self discipline, looking at my family gives me motivation…and a mirror! 🙂

  34. Jonnie says:

    My husband helps keep me on track and I do the same for him. I also use the internet to stay up to date and get fresh, healthy ideas

  35. Jenn says:

    My goal was to run more and so far so good. I am using a fitbit to help me track my progress.

  36. Yuen C says:

    I have been using excel to keep track

  37. Unfortunately but sometimes it takes a cold (or other minor illness) for me to realize that I haven’t been looking after myself. when that happens, I snap back into it and start drinking more water and getting a goods night sleep.

    Besos, Sarah
    Journeys of The Zoo

  38. Andrew P says:

    Family and Friends help me out the most, they provide support and encouragement 🙂

  39. Take my daily vitamins and lots of water!

  40. suzi says:

    Tracking my eating and exercise schedule. I use Dietbet to stay on track as I hate to lose a bet!

  41. Brenda Penton says:

    The scale helps me stay on top of my goals. I use myfitnesspal and workout videos to help me with getting to my goal

  42. lori3kids says:

    My husband keeps me going… he loves to be active and I try to keep up with him even though it’s not my natural state of mind! But I enjoy trying to keep up with his stuff. he’s a huge geocacher, which leads to a lot of hiking!

  43. Tracy Morin says:

    My dogs help me keep my goals in mind. As soon as it warms up some we will be heading out together more so we can ALL be healthy.

  44. Silvia D says:

    i would say my family mostly!

  45. lori b says:

    actually this year it’s been friends. we are bound and determined to keep each other on track this year

  46. Ashley says:

    Yoga keeps me on top of my healthy goals. I keep my Yoga mat beside our T.V so when I go to watch T.V I see it and do Yoga instead.

  47. joy says:

    i have been struggling as of late…ideally, if i wrote things down, it would help motivate me to work on my goals…but…the winter blues are taking over!

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