April 7, 2015


Week 5 Food Journal Challenge #CarlsCrew #CommitToFit #Giveaway

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!

Time to record what I eat and when I eat it!

#CarlsCrew #CommitToFit

Alrighty folks, we are in the home stretch! Week 5 of the Subway Canada #CommitToFit Challenge is to keep a food journal every day for the entire week.

To be honest, last week’s sleep challenge was a fail for me. A full night’s sleep is wishful thinking in my world! It seems as if the only way I get sleep is when I travel. Pretty sad, I know, but it’s my reality. One day at a time folks, one day at a time!

Anyhoo, back to this week’s challenge. Thankfully, technology and my app-happy self are ready to go this week. As an app lover any day of the week, this food journaling will be a breeze thanks to the MyFitnessPal app (join me, my username is pegcitylovely). It’s super easy to use and already has a ton of pre-existing foods that I eat on a regular basis. I literally have to press a few buttons and I’m all done!

[bctt tweet=”@SubwayCarl says: Keeping a food journal is the best way to track your own personal eating trends and ensure you’re getting the right nutrients for a healthy, balanced diet each day”]

Tracking my food habits for the past few days has been eye-opening as I am seeing where my food is distributed (i.e. carbs, protein and fats). So far I’m in line with where I should be, so that’s great to see!

I’ve definitely been eating healthier over the past couple of years since my pregnancy and I’m glad the effect of that change shows.

Your food journal may surprise you! Perhaps you are eating too much of the same type of food every day? Or maybe you notice that you aren’t getting enough of a particular food group. A food journal helps you to know how to adjust and balance your daily eating habits.

This challenge has been great for reminding me how to stay on top of my wellness. It won’t end after 6 weeks for me! It’s important that I continue my healthy behaviours for years to come.

I hope many of you are joining in with me!


What is the greatest benefit for you to personally keep a daily food journal?

PegCityLovely is all about the convo, share your thoughts!

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  1. lori3kids says:

    when I keep track I am less likely to eat snacks because i don’t like the effort of writing it down. I usually snack on the go!

  2. Lynn says:

    It is a visual reminder!

  3. Elizabeth R says:

    Definitely keeps me on track shows me where I have gone off track.

  4. lori b says:

    being able to track any weight gains with the journal.

  5. David Gibb says:

    It would be encouraging and motivating and help me to continue

  6. Judy Cowan says:

    I think it would help me to figure out what all I am eating, how much of it is healthy or unhealthy and where I need to make changes.

  7. nicolthepickle says:

    I think it would show me how much unhealthy I eat. Put me on the right track.

  8. Toby says:

    It will keep you disciplined as you won’t want to be writing down chips and cake!

  9. LDC says:

    I’m a sneaky devil.

  10. Josh S says:

    It is great to keep track of what I have been eating and help keep a balanced diet.

  11. Glogirl says:

    The greatest benefit for me is to be more aware of what I am eating and to see ways that I could improve my diet.

  12. Brenda Lacourciere says:

    To remind me how much junk food im eating

  13. Heidi c. says:

    I can keep track of what I am eating, when I am eating and how well-balanced my diet is or isn’t.

  14. Pam says:

    My greatest benefit is that it shows me what I am missing, for example: proteins.

  15. Andrew P says:

    Great way to monitor how many calories you are having per day. MyFitnessPal is what I use

  16. Florence C says:

    The benefit for me is to keep track of what I am eating and my activity. I like to track the days I walk.

  17. Jeannie says:

    The greatest benefit of a food journal is that it makes me really think about what I’m about to eat. Do I want what I’m about to eat be written down?

  18. Jonnie says:

    I find it helpful to determine which foods cause me to feel bloated, heartburn, etc.

  19. ivy pluchinsky says:

    its good to keep track of the food and calories you intake daily

  20. Karla Sceviour says:

    I have never kept a journal,but would be a great idea,to keep track of what I am actually eating!

  21. Doris H says:

    It gives me a great visual of what is going into my body….a reminder to eat healthy and eat smart.

  22. Lori Lewis says:

    I have been following Weight Watchers since September so a food journal has been crutial to my weight loss success!

  23. Lisa Neutel says:

    def keeping track of what your eating aand seeing what your snacking on

  24. joy says:

    it would be encouraging and motivating to me – i find when i write things down i am more apt to achieve my goals!

  25. Paula R says:

    I think a food journal is a great idea

  26. Carol M says:

    You could go back and review it to see your successes and failures.

  27. Rebby says:

    The greatest benefit of a food journal is the fact you can track what you have been eating and review your diet!

  28. Amy C says:

    The greatest benefit would be that I could see what I was eating every day and what I should add or change.

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