August 19, 2015


Recipes Made With Love and Stars #GuidingStarsCA #PCStars

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!

Wow, the Guiding Stars program with Loblaw is quite the challenge! I’ve really been trying to ramp up my stars each visit to the grocery store. I’m way too competitive for my own good!

As promised with my last post about the program, I would like to share with you the amazing recipes offered through Guiding Stars, but first an update:

I am STILL at Level 2 (which irks me to no end) however, my percentage of  1 and 2 star products have gone up AND I’ve gone from 23% of my overall shop with starred products to 25%. Something is better than nothing! At least I’m headed in the right direction. 😉

It’s great that the Guiding Stars program gives folks incentive to buy more products with stars by having an easily accessible list of healthy recipes with those ingredients.

My kids love to bake and try new recipes, and my 13 year old has a slight obsession with pumpkin these days, so even though it isn’t quite yet fall season, the Pumpkin Cornbread seemed like an easy yet tasty side dish for supper.

We had most of the ingredients we needed for this recipe; however, I was pleased to see how many stars each of the remaining ingredients that I needed to purchase had!


The kids are invested in baking with only starred products now. I literally take pictures every single time I’m in Superstore (I must look odd to the other shoppers)!


After a short period of prep time, and enough cooking time to clean up our mess, our Pumpkin Cornbread was ready, and smelled oh so yummy!


[ultimate-recipe id=”8433″ template=”default”]

Have you tried any of the Guiding Stars program recipes?



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  1. Janice Cournoyer says:

    I love the pumpkin cornbread recipe. Love the Loblaws program!!

  2. mrdisco says:

    that looks delish

  3. Suzie M says:

    This sounds good, like anything with hidden veggies & fruit in it

  4. JaimeeM says:

    I love anything pumpkin , and I love cornbread, so this recipe is right up my alley.

  5. Cheryl says:

    Never thought of adding pumpkin to cornbread??! Bet it is good!! Must try thanks for the recipe 🙂

on the 'GRAM

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