September 24, 2015


Have You Taken The Pledge To Fight For Your Write? #BICFFYW

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!

I have!

And here’s proof:

BICFFYW logoWhat’s the pledge and what am I talking about you ask?

Well, take a moment and think to yourself, when is the last time you actually took pen to paper and wrote something down? How about your kids, or kids in your family? It’s scary to think that with so much technology now, we are writing less and less.

I personally handwrite thank you cards very often as well as my annual Christmas cards, and of course birthday cards. It’s also a requirement of my job to write down notes of employee meetings etc.  I typically also write many to-do lists and thoughts in a notebook I carry with me daily, but I’m “grown”, my kids are less and less exposed to the need for handwriting.

Handwriting is critical to a child’s education and development and plays a vital role in helping children build confidence, creativity, critical thinking and fine-motor skills, says Pam Allyn, a literacy advocate, education expert and author and founder of LitWorld.

BIC – a leading manufacturer of writing, marking and correction products – launched the BIC Fight For Your Write movement to encourage Canadian families to help save handwriting for future generations.

This movement includes taking a simple pledge like I did to save handwriting as well as great tips to make handwriting fun for children. Here are 5 great tips to get them started:

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It’s exciting to see my son starting to write at such a young age.

At only 3 years old,  he loves his chalkboard, but he also loves mimicking the rest of us in the house and using a pen on scrap pieces of paper. BIC is a recognized name for providing quality writing instruments to suit any subject.

Not only did BIC launch this amazing campaign, they also partnered up with the Breakfast Club of Canada to ensure that kids go to school hungry for knowledge not hungry for food!

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Getting my teens to eat breakfast daily is a big struggle at our house most mornings. They don’t realize breakfast is brain food and that 60% of learning in school happens before lunch! I’m grateful my son cannot and will not start his day without breakfast. 1 out of 3 isn’t bad right? We’re working on it!

The BIC Fight For Your Write campaign is donating $10,000 directly to Breakfast Club of Canada AND giving an additional $10,000 of stationary supplies to Canadian schools in need!

Are you motivated to WRITE NOW!?! When you take the BIC Fight For Your Write pledge, you are not only influencing the younger generation, you are also remembering it’s importance in your own life and helping support a wonderful, positive venture with BIC and the Breakfast Club of Canada.

Oh, but that’s not all! You can win a $200 stationary prize pack!

BIC FFYW - Copromotion Image - Copy

To enter, just head on over to the BIC Fight For Your Write website and take the pledge! More details are available on the BIC Facebook page or follow the hashtag #BICFFYW on Twitter.


Open to Canada only, void where prohibited. Ends Oct 9, 2015 Good luck!

What’s your favourite memory of something you’ve handwritten?

 **Disclosure: This post was generously sponsored by BIC; however the opinions expressed are mine, all mine!**

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  1. Jenn says:

    I didn’t even think about how little I write with pen and paper until your post. I remember that, after we had our wedding and needed to write 100+ thank you cards, my hand was cramping after just a few sentences. Typing is quick and convenient, but writing by hand doesn’t have to stop being part of our lives.

  2. angela m says:

    Writing letters to my grandmother.

  3. Angela Mitchell says:

    I wrote a poem when I was in high school that became really popular with my friends. My best friend even taped up a copy in her locker.

  4. Brandon Sparks says:

    This would be the best prize I could ever win. Bic is the best in this whole world..

  5. Bailey Dexter says:

    My most favourite handwriting memory is when I write in all the grandkids baby books as well as every book I buy for anyone!

  6. Karla Sceviour says:

    All those handwriten notes we would write to our friends in school ,,I wish I still had them 🙂

  7. Kris Wilson says:

    My favourite handwriting memory is writing a former teacher after she moved to California for a year. We wrote back and forth and she was a great penpal.

  8. Ira says:

    My handwriting is really hard to read, but I was a good student 🙂 and attended 99% of classes at university. Lots of guys from my group had to take my notes to prepare for the exams. They had a LOT of tips to share between them on how to read my handwriting 🙂

  9. Nicky says:

    letters to my pen pal when i was ten to twelve years old!

  10. Wanda Tracey says:

    My favorite writing memory is of writing in home economics class of how I would build and design the interior of a brand new home. I thoroughly enjoyed this assignment and wrote pages and pages on it that was handed in with a collage of pictures.I aced that class and love writing every day even now.It’s like an art and a true signature of character!

  11. Cheryl says:

    I have saved all the cards I have ever written my husband and vice versa, it’s so nice to pull them out and see what we wrote and seeing it hand written makes it much more special

  12. JaimeeM says:

    I love writing, I would write all the time growing up, still do! Short stories, poems, notes.

  13. Amber Y says:

    We did a lot of hand writing in school and my favourite was always poetry. Pretty words written in fancy writing is always something i’ve enjoyed.

  14. Cheryl says:

    I don’t have a lot of memories of my handwriting cause my grammar is so bad 🙁 But I do have a few homemade cards I saved that I made when I was a kid 🙂

  15. I have been keeping journals and diaries since I was a child. There are probably quite a few gems haha

  16. Doris Calvert says:

    Two years ago I wrote my dad a letter before he passed away telling him how much I loved him and what he meant to me

  17. Tammy Dalley says:

    When I was growing up I had pen pals that I use to write each week, I still have some of those letters, its nice to go back and read them

  18. Anne Taylor says:

    I have a box of letters that I wrote to my grandmother during the 70s that I cherish!

  19. Maria says:

    Letters I wrote to my grandmother

  20. Carey Hurst says:

    I have quite a few favorite first memories with writing. Have always been a creative writer. I think that a story I wrote that was stolen by an adult and gotten published would be my favorite BC even though it was stolen from me it was still published so I have that knowledge .

  21. tanyab79 says:

    As teenager I wrote poems.

  22. Doris H says:

    My favourite memory is when I was a kid I would write to Penpals every week.

  23. kristine ewald says:

    I wrote a time capsul journal it wa sreally interesting to read

  24. Belinda McNabb says:

    I used to keep a diary and would write in it almost every day for close to 10 years

  25. Amy C says:

    My favourite memory of something I’ve handwritten was when I wrote a short story with my daughter as a part of her homework.

  26. salexis says:

    My favourite is the letters I write to my great Aunt Ruth -she is in her nineties, doesn’t have a computer or phone and really appreciates a handwritten letter!

  27. Dream24 says:

    As a kid, I remember having a pen pal. I always looked forward to writing and receiving hand written cards/letters from my pen pal in Japan. I miss those days

  28. Barb W says:

    As a child, I was in a young writer’s program and we were assigned to do a more modern day take on a fairy tale, I loved writing that one!

  29. Sunshine G says:

    I lived in Tokyo for two years and taught English – I still write letters to my older female students and receive them in return. It’s lovely getting things in the mail that aren’t bills!

  30. Heidi c. says:

    My husband and I first started dating in high school 25 years ago. We lived about an hour apart and it was long distance to call. So, we used to write these sappy love letters back and forth to each other. We still have them!

  31. melissa fowers says:

    When I wrote my wedding vows 🙂

  32. Erin W says:

    I have the fondest memory of handwriting letters to my best friend in high school when he went away to camp. I would soak the letters in perfume. Ha. I love handwriting.

  33. naiddia p says:

    My favorite memory was when I was little and would make a handmade mother’s day card.

  34. ginette4 says:

    My favourite memory was sitting down ant writing our speech for our daughter’s wedding, it was very emotional, at the end of our speech there wasn’t a dry eye in the hall including ours

  35. My favourite memory of something I have written was back from Elementary school. My teacher had set us up with being penpals with a class in the US. I remember writing her for the first time and receiving my first letter back. So exciting!

  36. Tina L. says:

    Writing in my journal each day.

  37. Josh S says:

    When I was first dating my wife I used to hand write her love notes. I used to be more romantic than I am now.

  38. Jeannie says:

    I hand written my wedding vows and it’s still very special to me today. Actually it’s framed up in our home and I love looking at it!

  39. Carla B says:

    I remember being a kid and hand writing my letter to Santa.

  40. Anu Chopra says:

    I use to create handwriten letters to my cousins in India … .it was a great way to stay in touch with them before the Internet became popular!

  41. Krista M says:

    My journal from grade 4 & 5 that I handwrote in every day, I still have it & it’s so special and interesting to look back on now!

  42. Jenny Major says:

    an anniversary card to my hubby last month

  43. Amie E says:

    I have a birthday card I wrote to my dad when I was little , maybe 5 , after he passed away I found that he kept it , so I put it away as a wonderful memory in my keep sake box ! Thanks 😀

  44. Jonnie says:

    My favorite memory is handwriting notes to friends when I was in school. We used to spend tons of time writing notes to one another when we were supposed to be doing school work.It always made the day go by faster when you had a note to read from a friend.

  45. michelle matta says:

    i kept a diary for about 8 years on and off. Of course my favourite one is the youngest/first entry. It involved being mad at my sister for something silly like the attention she got from my parents about something. I wish I had done more of them young.

  46. Florence C says:

    I have a journal from when I was young. It is great to reread it. Brings me back in time.

  47. Lisa bolduc says:

    I remember writing down the name of the backstreet boys on ym binder in high school. I had the biggest crush on them

  48. i remember in school writing to a pen pal in Haiti it was soo awesome to hear about her life 🙂

  49. Courtney says:

    For me, it’s my journals. I wrote almost daily as a preteen right until I graduated. It helped keep me sane!

  50. lori b says:

    a poem for my husband on our first anniversary we had.

  51. Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard says:

    one year we decided to hand write cards to family members instead of buying them – it was really fun

  52. Toby says:

    I have many keepsakes but a Haiku stands out for me. 🙂 My mom and teacher were very impressed.

  53. Elaine G says:

    Favorite would be the hand made cards I made for my parents and siblings as a kid.

  54. Wendy Hutton says:

    I can remember many essays we had to write for english class, my favorite one was on Julius Caesar.

  55. Erika E says:

    I have one of my old journals from when I was in elementary school. Apparently I really wanted a puppy. Reading it over makes me smile.

  56. Carol M says:

    My favourite was a “love” letter I wrote to a long distance pen pal when I was 14. No the love did not last. LOL

  57. Robyn Bellefleur says:

    My mom had kept on of my journals for elementary school showing my daily hand written entries.

  58. Judy Cowan says:

    When I was in elementary school I wrote a poem for the Remembrance Day contest our school was having and I won first place. I was so proud of that. I believe it is still in a scrapbook somewhere at my parents place.

  59. Emily green says:

    I have recently began teaching my 7 year old daughter cursive. She asked to learn so that she could read cards and notes from her older relatives. Cleaning out my car last week, I found a scrap piece of paper, with, in perfect cursive, this scrawled across it: “I like big butts”
    So I guess she’s not a literary genius.

  60. Amy Heffernan says:

    I have a fathers day card I wrote when I was young to my father!

  61. andrea amy says:

    When I was in Highschool I took a journalism class. As part of the class, we put out the school newspaper. I had a couple articles published elsewhere for money during this time (not a lot of money, but it was still really cool to get paid to write) and I also had a couple articles published in the Calgary Herald’s Neighbours section.

  62. lynn clayton says:

    i wrote a journal whne i was prego and i still got it i wrote in ti everyday till he was born

  63. mrdisco says:

    hand made birthday card for a friend

  64. J says:

    That’s easy: the first letter sent to Santa Claus complete with a list of all the presents I wanted. A great way to encourage kids to write.

  65. Suzanne G says:

    My fondest memories are making homemade cards for my parents when I was young. I also enjoyed writing poetry when I was younger.

  66. Barb Curran says:

    I love writing with bic pens I write everyday I keep a journal

  67. Lynda Cook says:

    The fondest memory I have is handwriting homemade cards when I was younger and coming up with poems and funny verses

  68. ivy pluchinsky says:

    i have a card i made for my mom when i was younger.

  69. Paula R says:

    Mother’s day card to mom

  70. JaimeeM says:

    I have not yet, but I will now! thanks for the post

  71. Judy Cowan says:

    I took the pledge, I think hand-writing is still important. I still write my lists, notes to hubby, and cards. it is great that they are supporting the Breakfast Club.

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