September 28, 2015


Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle with #CarlsCrew #CommitToFit Challenge #Giveaway

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to do a fun and healthy #CommitToFit campaign with Subway Canada as part of #CarlsCrew.

It was 6 weeks of challenges, some that were pretty tough I might add; however, it helped me to increase numerous healthy habits to my daily routine, and my family’s too!

If you’ve followed me on Instagram, you will have noticed that I am doing the campaign again! Woohoo!


The whole crew has been following this handy dandy chart to assist us with our challenge, it’s quite handy:

CarlsCrew Subway Canada

The only item I missed were the squats (probably because I don’t like them too much). Have no fear, I’m gonna rock it these final 2 weeks, how about you? You can also join up to receive emails about the challenges on the Subway Canada Facebook page.

This round of CarlsCrew challenges is a quick one though, it’s only 4 weeks long and we are already halfway through!

Last year I was honoured to meet the official real-deal Carl, the great role model leading the Carls Crew. He came to Winnipeg, so now that I’ve met him, I need to make him proud! Carl’s weekly emails are motivating and I love that he infuses his own personal experiences every time.

As with any type of physical activity, make sure you are doing what you can for your body type etc, and consult with your health professional as necessary.

Are you busy on September 29 at 8pm (EST)?

I hope not, because there will be a fun Twitter Party hosted by @SubwayCanada and you can win fabulous prizes! All you have to do is follow the #CarlsCrew hashtag at that time and you’ll be good to go!

That’s not all, I have an amazing giveaway to share with you! I’ll be checkin with ya this week to see how you’re doing on the challenges and give you additional opportunities to win, so stay focused folks.


Open to Canucks of course! Ends Oct 12/15 Good luck all!

Share 3 tips on how you maintain a healthy lifestyle in your household.

**Disclosure: Please note that yes, I was compensated for this post; however, the opinions stated and theme of this post are mine, all mine!**

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  1. Cheryl says:

    We maintain a healthy lifestyle by keeping active, even in winter. Keeping a wide warily or fruits and vegetables available and trying to avoid chips and pop

  2. Gillian Morgan says:

    We try to get a goods nights sleep, avoid eating takeout, and get outside to exercise at least four times a week.

  3. Juliee Fitze says:

    We drink a lot of water instead of pop , we go for walks and keep the carbs down.

  4. angela m says:

    We drink lots of water, do lots of exercise ,and eat healthy.

  5. Angela Mitchell says:

    We avoid fast food, we get for walks several times a week, we grow a garden.

  6. Jenness M says:

    Get a good nights sleep, we don’t eat processed foods and drink 8 glasses water daily.

  7. Tammy Dalley says:

    Drink a lot of water,
    Stay Active
    Eat lots of veggies

  8. Dreena says:

    Physical activity: dance classes
    A good amount of rest and sleep
    Cutting out sugar


  9. Lisa Neutel says:

    we try to eat healthy i incorportae veggies into every meal, we drink tons of water and get active as a family by taking walks or playing sports together

  10. Karla Sceviour says:

    I drink plenty of water,I try to stay active,and try to eat lots of fruits and veggies!

  11. Belinda S says:

    We make sure there is some sort of vegetable with every meal (whether it be in the dish or on the side), go for daily walks, and also encourage eachother to drink 8 glasses of water every day!!! I’m looking forward to winter so we can get out in the snow and play! Building snow men, snow forts, and ice skating are our faves!

  12. Bailey Dexter says:

    My kids know I do not stock up on junk food, if friends are coming over we run out & pick up treats. The rule is if, you want it, we will go out and get it. Works out great, the kids don’t want to go grocery shopping so they eat healthy from what is in the house! I don’t buy pop, we have juice,milk & water. Also I bake all muffins & cookies and cut the sugar at least in half as well as add berries or nuts!

  13. Connie says:

    I try to eat healthy, low fat, low sugar food. I go for walks. I drink lots of water.

  14. Doris H says:

    We walk, stay hydrated with water, and eat fruits/veggies each day.

  15. jan says:

    wash hands frequently, reduce or eliminate sugar and get your exercise.

  16. Jeannie says:

    We make sure we head out at least once a day for some fresh air and to get some exercise. WE also try to eat the rainbow. We drink lots and lots of water!

  17. Florence C says:

    We drink water, eat healthy foods and moderate exercise daily.

  18. Silvia D says:

    eat well balanced meals, healthy snacks and no pop or sugary drinks

  19. naiddia p says:

    We go for walks, drink lots of water and eat fresh fruits and veggies.

  20. Julie R. says:

    Good morning 🙂 We try to stay healthy by eating tons of fruit(lots of smoothies too), fair share of veggies, and by being active in sports and at the gym. Thanks!

  21. Erin W says:

    We get outside and active for at least 30 minutes a day, only drink water with our meals and limit our tv time!

  22. PrairiePearl says:

    Go for a walk with the dogs first thing in the morning, start the day with a healthy breakfast, no snacking after dinner.

  23. Rachel says:

    We drinks plenty of water to stay hydrated, eating lots of vegetables, and exercising.

  24. Nicky says:

    go swimming once a week, eat fruit and veggies every day, and wear sunscreen

  25. Sarah Stickney says:

    we try to go outside everyday, take vitamins and eat fruit and vegetables

  26. Linda says:

    In my family, we cut out white sugar in our foods, we walk everyday and we go dancing.

  27. Amie E says:

    Drink lots of water , keep healthy food on hand and not junk , planning fun outdoor family actives

  28. Yuen C says:

    We eat fruits and vegetables daily, drink over 6 cups of water daily, and go for walks

  29. Ira says:

    I try to use organics in my cooking as much as possible, I cook from scratch and I try to move more, though that’s the hardest one to do…

  30. Dianne Arsenault says:

    Lots of fruits and veggies, walking for exercise and drinking plenty of water

  31. Eva Mitton-Urban says:

    Hydrate + Exercise + Adequate Sleep + Moisturize skin = Healthy in Mind/Body/Spirit.

    Eva Mitton-Urban

  32. Alex Conde says:

    We encourage each other to snack healthy by experimenting with healthy recipes, we take fitness classes together, and we try to avoid bringing junk food into the house.

  33. Toby says:

    Keep junk food out if the house, if it’s not there, you won’t be tempted to eat it. Choose alternative beverages to soda. And finally, stick ton te perimeter of the grocery store, that’s where the fresh produce, meats, dairy, and grains are.

  34. JaimeeM says:

    1 drink more water
    2 eat more raw foods
    3 exercise 20 min a day

  35. Pam says:

    things we do to have a healthy lifestyle;exercise together (walking, hiking, biking)
    cooking meals at home: menu planning
    date nights

  36. Barb W says:

    1) Drink lots of water
    2) Get outside daily
    3) Proper amount of sleep

  37. Rhonda W G. says:

    Home-cooked healthy meals, walking the dogs and taking vitamins are among the things we do in our home.

  38. Amber Y says:

    We drink lots of water, cook from scratch whenever possible and spend time every day doing activities we enjoy be it going to the park, listening to music or cuddling up for a movie.

  39. Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard says:

    eat lots of fruits and veggies, get out for activity and drink alot of water

  40. maria says:

    Eat a good balance of fruits and veggies, try not to eat out very often, maybe once a month, and drink lots of water.

  41. Suzi says:

    walk 10K steps a day, hula hoop 30 minutes a day and drink a lot of water

  42. Caroline says:

    Eat loads of veggies, drink plenty of water and exercise regularly.

  43. Belinda McNabb says:

    eat lots of fruits and veggies, get out for activity and get plenty of rest

  44. Rebby says:

    We drink lots of water, we go for walks in the park, and we try to minimize sugar intake!

  45. Sunshine G says:

    Get outside every day, make fruit your usual dessert and offer water as a beverage first.

  46. We maintain a healthy lifestyle with walks, yoga and healthy meals!

  47. ivy pluchinsky says:

    go for walks, eat healthy and drink lots of water

  48. Dream24 says:

    1. Drink lots of water
    2. cook/purchase lots of fresh vegetables and fruits instead of junk or processed foods
    3. take daily walks

  49. Tina L. says:

    My 3 tips are :
    1. eat more fruits and veggies;
    2. drink lots of water; and
    3. stay active.

  50. Jonnie says:

    My three tips are:

    -Make physical activity fun – ride bikes, go skiing, jump on a trampoline. Fun activities make exercise easy
    -Do not keep sweet treats in the house. You will eat far less junk if you have to go out to buy it when you have a craving.
    -Keep tons of fruit and veggies on hand

  51. Glogirl says:

    In my household we can increase the fruits and veggies in our diet, exercise daily (even just walking for 20mins. a day) and limit the amount of sugar in our diet by reducing sweets.

  52. Cheryl says:

    I try and eat more fruits and veggies, Stay away from the junk and Exercise!! 🙂

  53. Emily C says:

    Buy fresh food, drink lots of water and cut out junk food.

  54. Nate Fuller says:

    Drink a lot of water, eat a lot of veggies and take a walk daily!

  55. 1. Exercise daily
    2. Drink a gallon or more of water daily
    3. Eat a balanced diet.

  56. kristine ewald says:

    WE work out, drink lots of water and whoel foods

  57. J says:

    Make healthy eating a group effort so everyone encourages everyone else, have plenty of healthy food options so it doesn’t get boring, and add flavor and sweetness to water by using fruit!

  58. Tiffany Rotulo says:

    Eat healthy
    Get adequate sleep

  59. We go for walks after dinner, eat lots of veggies and drink plenty of water

  60. Wendy Hutton says:

    drink plenty of water, eat fruit and vegetables daily and exercise

  61. Carol M says:

    Eat lots of fruits and veggies, go fro a walk each day and drink plenty of water.

  62. jane kramer says:

    we eat lots of vegetables , drink lots of water and exersize regularly

  63. Heidi c. says:

    1. Drink plenty of water.
    2. Get a good night’s rest
    3. Go for regular walks as a family

  64. lori b says:

    I cut up alot of veggies every week as easy to go and grab snacks that are healthy s well as package bulk items in the cupboards.
    lots of water
    I grill alot of our foods to eliminate the use of fats

  65. Tainan Lu says:

    drink more water & eat lots of veggies

  66. Lynda Cook says:

    Ditch the soda and drink water or tea, no more take out and junk food, stock up on lots of fresh veggies and fruits and make sure to get exercise in, every little bit helps!!

  67. mrdisco says:

    walk more, drink water, and eat some vegetables

  68. Elizabeth R says:

    We have meatless mondays, walk our dog every day and try to eat more whole grains.

  69. lynn clayton says:

    we go for walks do activities that require movement daily. we drink water and we eat wthin moderation

  70. Elaine G says:

    Making my meals, not eating out or eating boxed processed foods.
    Exercise and doing activities
    drinking lots of water

  71. caryn s says:

    I walk more, drink more water and eat healthy to loose weight and get fit.

  72. Amy Heffernan says:

    Walk daily, Drink lots of water and try and eat healthy!

  73. Angela Massis says:

    We eat FRESH!! Fresh is best! Lots of fruits and vegetables. No packaged foods as they contain so much sugar and sodium. We as a family try to get outdoors often and go for walk and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

  74. andrea amy says:

    We drink a lot of water, I cook from scratch using fresh produce and meat (very little processed anything) and we get outside all year even if its just for a quick 15 min walk when its really cold.

  75. Maria says:

    I try to cook healthy meals, we drink mostly water & we love to go for walks, bike rides & play with ball

  76. Judy Cowan says:

    We go for daily walks, drink lots of water and eat lots of vegetable to try and stay healthy.

  77. Krista M says:

    We don’t have a car so we do a LOT of walking. I rarely buy fruit juices & never buy soda, energy drinks, chocolate milk etc. I include veggies in every school lunch & our dinner’s at home.

  78. Josh S says:

    I try to eat lots of veggies, drink lots of water, and do plenty of exercises.

  79. Suzanne G says:

    I maintain a healthy lifestyle by serving fresh or frozen(depending on season) fruits and vegetables at every meal. Water is our choice of drink in this household. I also encourage family to get outside and walk daily.

  80. tanyab79 says:

    We don’t bring junk food into the house, eat lots of vegetables and drink plenty of water.

  81. Vesper Meikle says:

    We drink water not soda/pop, we mainly eat vegetarian, and I always read the ingredients lists, I don’t know the ingredients I don’t buy

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