July 18, 2016


Bad Moms Night Out in #Winnipeg #Giveaway

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

Raise your hand if you’re a bad mom! And no, my hand is not raised…or is it? HA, I’m JOKING folks!

July 29, 2016 is the release date of a raunchy comedy about a few moms who believe the role is too difficult and thankless. (I must admit, I can agree with the thankless part on many days)

Bad Moms celebrates moms and all that they do for their families (and hopefully themselves)!

Here is a sneak peek about what the movie is all about:

I cannot wait to see this movie, it looks ridiculously hilarious!

How would you like to come to the advance screening of Bad Moms, 7:30pm on July 25, 2016 at Silver City Polo Park?

I have 4, count  ’em, 4 DOUBLE PASSES with prize pack to giveaway! Open to residents of Winnipeg, 18+.

Enter below, and good luck!

What do you think you will like most about this movie? 

PegCityLovely is all about the convo - let your thoughts be known!

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  1. Heather Witherden says:

    I need to go see this, clearly!!

  2. Paula Ritchie says:

    I want to see this movie

  3. Tina says:

    It will make it okay that I am not a Pinterest mom.

  4. angela taylor says:

    This movie looks hilarious. I feel like it should be called “REAL MOMS”

  5. Mzmartens says:

    I feel like this movie will validate me….these are my kinda Moms…lol

  6. Stacy k says:

    It looks hilarious!

  7. Jennifer H says:

    I love Mila Kunis and this looks like a funny movie cant wait to see it!

  8. Shamara McGurran says:

    The combo oh hilarious actresses is sure to be great! My girlfriends and I will enjoy this one for sure!

  9. Tara B says:

    I love Mila Kunis, so I look forward to watching her be a “bad mom” lol

  10. Shelby says:

    I look forward to watching these gals bring out the ‘truth in humour’ aspect of Mom judging. It happens! It’s real! And it’s FUNNY!! And this will certainly show why it’s so ridiculous :D. Can’t wait to see it!

  11. Andrea says:

    I love Kristen Bell and this looks like a good role for her comedic talent! Looking forward to seeing it

  12. Paula Leach says:

    I will enjoy getting out for a night and having some laughs with a friend!

  13. Cynthia N says:

    Looking forward to seeing the friendships and the laughs! I have not laughed so hard watching a trailer in a long time – just hope the movie is as funny and look forward to seeing it with my girlfriends – who have been in the ‘Mommy trenches” with me for the past 12 years!!!

  14. Lea says:

    I love Kristen Bell and everything she does!

  15. Kristen says:

    I enjoy the actresses in this movie!

  16. carla says:

    this looks like a funny mom movie – cant wait to see it with the girls

  17. Cheryl says:

    Can’t wait to see this movie! Love these actresses!!

  18. Wayne Lecoy says:

    It would be great to win Bad Moms Movie Passes and a Prize Pack.
    In response to your question of What do you think you will like most about this movie?
    I think i’ll like that this movie will make me laugh.
    I like that Mila Kunis and Christina Applegate are in it.
    Thank you for having this giveaway.

  19. Leigh Nash says:

    I just can’t wait to laugh. This movie looks like it’s going to be stomach holding laugh fest!

  20. Denise S says:

    I think I will like it because it seems so honest. All the “perfect” mom’s out there who constantly judge and try to one up the other. It shows that mothers are people too and that they shouldn’t have to lose their identity just because they had kids.

  21. Andrea says:

    I think I’m going to like the sense of camaraderie that develops between the moms. Sisterhood!

  22. Tanna Motuz says:

    I can not wait to see this movie because it is showing real types of moms. All moms are not perfect.

  23. Darcie Lemieux says:

    This is a movie that any mom no matter the age can relate to. I would just love to see it.

  24. Hazel says:

    The actresses they chose for this movie shows that it will definitely be a good one!

  25. Kristen Albo says:

    This looks hilarious ! some great actors in this!

  26. Ashley Hardman says:

    Looks so funny! Can’t wait to see it!

  27. telise says:

    hoping to win tickets so that i can enjoy a night out with a fellow mom friend. we can laugh at the hilarity of our job!

  28. Janice Cournoyer says:

    It looks so funny, and I have met all those kinds of Mom’s. Love the actors. should be a blast!!

  29. Kellycopp1980 says:

    I think the thing I’m most looking forward to is it approaches some aspects of being a mom that no one talks about. All 3 ladies are hilarious, especially the woman who plays the main single mom role 🙂

  30. Bev says:

    The mom bra scene!

  31. Sherri says:

    Epic fail mom moments!

  32. Bernice says:

    its gonna be a funny movie and a moms night out to laugh is always good

  33. Alexandra says:

    Love a good comedy especially for moms. It has a great cast

  34. Janell says:

    This is going to be an awesome movie!

  35. sara says:

    <3 this will be a great move

  36. Amanda Worden says:

    Mila is so funny and I am a ‘bad mom’

  37. Melanie W says:

    The cast of talented and funny ladies in this movie!

  38. it looks hilarious and i love the cast

  39. Rhonda Thompson says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing some of the parenting “fails” that happen in our household, on the big screen!!! (I’m thinking that I could have easily been cast in this production lol. No, seriously.)

  40. Paula Ritchie says:

    looks like a funny movie

on the 'GRAM

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