January 14, 2024


Chatting it Up Online and Staying Connected

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!
In what ways do you communicate online?
Bloganuary Day 14

Almost at the halfway point! Day 14 of Bloganuary, and today’s topic is all about how we communicate online. There’s no shortage of ways to keep in touch, and I’ve got my favorites that keep me connected.

  • Good Ol’ Email: It’s pretty dependable for the most part. Multiple email addresses for multiple needs: like work, personal, contesting lol
  • Social Media – My Daily Dose: Whether it’s sharing daily stories on Instagram, or engaging with my community in my DMs, or having text based convos on Threads, social media is where I’m at.
  • Blogging – My Creative Outlet: This is where I let my thoughts flow. My blog is like my virtual diary, open for all to read and join in the conversation.
  • Podcasting – Stories in Sound: Here’s where I get to chat about things that spark my interest. It’s like having a coffee chat with friends, but with a mic and an audience.
  • WhatsApp: When I need to send a message on the fly or catch up quickly with friends, WhatsApp is my go-to.
  • FaceTime: Nothing beats seeing the grandbabies on screen if I can’t see them in person.

I’m keeping my eyes open for the next big thing in online communication, cuz you know there will be one!

In our world where everything’s just a click or a swipe away, these tools are great for staying in the loop and sharing my journey. Each one has its pros and cons.

So, what’s in your digital communication toolkit? Are you all about instant messaging, or do you prefer the blog and podcast route? Share your go-to methods in the comments.

PegCityLovely is all about the convo - let your thoughts be known!

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