January 25, 2024


My Leisure Time Favorites: Simple Joys of Life

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!
What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time?
Bloganuary Day 25

Beautiful people, can you believe we are at Bloganuary Day 25? Today we chat about what I love doing in my leisure time. From music to coffee dates, my downtime is all about simple pleasures.

Here’s a snapshot:

  • There’s nothing like losing yourself in your favorite songs. Whether it’s upbeat or mellow, music is my go-to for so many aspects of my life.
  • A stroll outside with hubby, breathing in fresh air and soaking in all the vitamin D – it’s one of my favourite ways to unwind.
  • Playtime with my grandsons isn’t just fun, it’s heart-filling. Their laughter and energy are absolutely contagious.
  • Sometimes, switching off my brain and binge-watching a show is just what I need.
  • Sitting down at a coffee shop, alone with my thoughts or a good book, is a Natalie ritual.
  • Catching up with friends over breakfast is always a treat. Good food, great company – what more could you ask for?
  • The sauna is my sanctuary for deep relaxation and rejuvenation. It’s a slice of peaceful bliss. I’d go daily if I could!

These activities are my little spaces of joy in the hustle and bustle of life. What are your leisure time favorites?

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