January 16, 2024


Say Bye Bye Clutter

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!
Where can you reduce clutter in your life?
Bloganuary Day 16

Well, this one is easy for halfway through Bloganuary! My number one culprit is the never-ending saga of my email inbox, all those newsletters and junk drive me wild!

It’s like walking into a room filled with flyers, random notes, and a bunch of ‘maybes’ I keep telling myself I’ll read someday. Well, no more! I’m on a mission to unsubscribe from those newsletters I scroll past and clear out the junk.

This isn’t just about tidying up; it’s about feeling lighter and more in control. A clean inbox will bring me a sense of peace and order to my daily life. Plus, it’s pretty satisfying to see everything in its place, right?

What’s your clutter kryptonite? Is it your digital space, your closet, or something else? Drop your decluttering plans or victories in the comments – let’s share some tips and motivation!

Here’s to saying goodbye to clutter and hello to a more organized, breathable space – both digitally and physically. Happy decluttering, everyone!

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