January 4, 2016


New Year’s Resolutions Simplified With One Word

PegCity born & raised, lifestyle blogger, and positivity enthusiast. I'm here to share about life – from hidden gems to healthy habits and build a community of authenticity.

I'm Natalie!

2015 flew by, didn’t it? Seriously.

For me, 2015 was year of excitement, milestones, a few scares, some drama and yet through it all, here I am, a little wiser, and no worse for wear. How about you?

Last year, rather than a list of resolutions, I chose a word, an overall theme for the year. A word that was to encompass to all of the things I wanted to accomplish in 2015.  I chose the word ELEVATE.

I wanted to elevate in each area of my life: relationships, parenting, working, health, nutrition, physical activity, blogging and Natalie as a whole.

Did I elevate in 2015?

Absolutely! Not as much as I would have liked but some is better than none! This by no means the removal of this word from my life just because 2015 is over. I throughly believe in the principles of continuous improvement and therefore, ‘elevate’ will be a constant now and in the future.

It’s 2016, what’s the word bird?

This was a no-brainer.



[foh-kuh s]
noun, plural focuses, foci [foh-sahy, -kahy]
1. a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity

I desperately need FOCUS this year. I need to be realistic and conquer the things I do well and not get caught up in any and every thing. While I know I am able to multi-task and organize, I do need to remember a few really important things:

  • Never forget my commitment to ME time
  • I work FULL time
  • I’m a MOM of 3, ALL of the time!

That’s not to say I cannot achieve my goals because of those things, but I have to keep them top of mind. It’s important to me to give 110% to a few things, rather than only 60% to everything.

This was a perfect topic for me to discuss a bit more in my first weekly MondayAMMusings vlog of 2016, have a look!

Do you have a word for 2016? How about sharing a few of your resolutions?


PegCityLovely is all about the convo - let your thoughts be known!

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  1. Suzie M says:

    my resolution is to love & to be kind to myself no more negative self talk

  2. Lisa H says:

    It sounds like you have a good plan to achieve your resolution this year. My word for 2016 is “simplify” as in simplify my life so I’ll have more quality time for my family. This is the year I’ll divest of things that complicate my life and time.

on the 'GRAM

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