January 15, 2017


Intention vs Resolution for 2017

PegCity born & raised, sharing life with positivity and purpose! From local adventures to wellness journeys, I'm here to build authentic connections and celebrate everyday moments that bring us joy.

I'm Natalie!

Dear 2016,

So long, farewell, peace out, see ya, it’s been a slice.

Wow, what a year! As usual it was filled with a lil drama, a bit of sadness and a whole lot of awesomeness!

I know I’m a little late on what should be considered a “new year” post but guess what? My blog, my timeline! HAHA I have been super crazy busy so to me it’s better late than never!

Ok, so why intention vs resolution? Well, let’s check out the definitions:

While similar in nature, I feel as though intention is all encompassing and resolution can seem individual in nature. To each their own though right?

I love looking back at the accomplishments of myself and our family no matter how big or small.

  • My oldest daughter graduated from high school  and chose not to attend post secondary but work full time…for now. She’s rocking it, employee of the month numerous times!
  • My youngest daughter has even more confidence in her dancing and singing while building a great community of friends. She made the basketball team!
  • My son constantly blowing our minds with his learning at Montessori as well as newfound skating skills.
  • My fiance for being supportive and a champion for our new healthy journey as it relates to our fitness and our eating habits. (and of course for still wanting to marry me and my cray)

As for me, there were some amazing things that happened in 2016 that continue to blow my mind every time I reminisce about them…

…to name a few!

Let’s not get it twisted though, I still experience bouts of anxiety and mini panic attacks (especially while driving) but I’ve been very good with managing them and recognizing the signs. I just haven’t shared every single time they’ve happened.

Also, you may not see it shared often, but let me tell you there is not one millisecond of the day that I do not think of or miss my mother. She was always ready for a phone call, ready to hear about my day, ready to share about hers, and I’m so glad I never took her for granted. I know she would be so proud of everything that our family has accomplished and continues to strive for. Even though she isn’t here, she guides us every single day.

Her strength and graciousness in everything she did is something I will never ever forget and will continue to demonstrate in my own daily life.

My word and intention for 2017 is FEARLESS.

While I continue to focus and elevate, now I need to be fearless in my decision-making for both personal and business life.
For my personal life I definitely want to make sure I travel a heck of a lot more. My fiance and I have talked about this for a while and now that our son is older we want to take advantage of having more experiences with our children and as a couple.

I need to be fearless with my family and friends. I’m known to be quite generous with my time. It is important for me to say “no” a little more often this year and to say yes to the things that fuel my passions to help me move forward with my own goals.

There hasn’t been a video or status or that I’ve posted in the last year, maybe even two years that doesn’t relate to me taking on my own business and working for myself. I need to be fearless in my risk-taking and be able to strike a balance between wanting to live my passion and still ensuring we are financially able to continue on with the lifestyle we always dreamed of for ourselves and our kids.

So, that means I can’t be selfish and just up and quit my job but at the same token perhaps I can work part time in a less draining and exhausting job to do my business a higher percentage of the time that it’s getting now (hence the late New Year post – just being real!). I just have to figure out what that looks like – or I just need Gary Vee to kick my ass into gear hahaha. I have to DO something.

Being in business for me isn’t just about the blog, it’s about diversifying and sharing a wide variety of skills. It’s also about trying new things and exploring new ideas that may not have been done before or something I know I can add my crazy energy to.

All I know is that I want to spend my time doing more of the things I love and the things that I’m passionate about because at the end of the day none of that will ever feel like “work”, you feel me?

What does it mean for you to be fearless?

As you can see from everything I’ve written above, it can be small  and/or it can be a major, but at the end of the day it has to be something that YOU choose and that YOU can live with.

Share your intention for 2017, I’d love to hear it, and maybe even help keep you accountable!

PegCityLovely is all about the convo, share your thoughts!

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  1. L. Hood says:

    Being fearless means overcoming my innate insecurities and just “doing it”!

on the 'GRAM

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